劉若蘭楊昌裕Ruo-Lan LiuChang-Yu Yang2014-10-272014-10-272013-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/30269本研究目的為探討學生個人因素、校園經驗與能力發展的關係,以國立台灣師範大學教育研究與評鑑中心建置的高等教育資料庫,均有填答92學年度大一問卷與94學年度大三問卷之公私立大學學生為對象,共13465人。研究結果發現: 自我概念與教育期望對於校園經驗的影響比家庭背景大;領導溝通能力方面,課業投入有顯著負向影響,家庭收入、自我概念、教育期望、同儕關係、社團參與、閱讀經驗與思考廣度則有顯著正向影響,解釋力達30%;邏輯資訊能力方面,母親教育、性別有顯著負向影響,家庭收入、入學成績、自我概念、課業投入、社團參與及思考廣度則有顯著正向影響,解釋力達17%;外語能力方面,除了父親教育與同儕關係未達顯著水平與教育期望為顯著負向影響外,其餘因素均有顯著正向影響,解釋力達13%。最後依據研究結果,提出增進學生能力發展之建議。The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship among personal factors, campus experiences and learning outcomes for college students. Subjects of the study are survey data from the "higher education database" built by the NTNU Education Research and Assessment Center, specifically data collected in School Year 2003 on freshmen and 2005 on junior students from general public and private universities. There were 13465 in total. The findings are as follow: the influential effects of self-concept and education aspiration are higher than that of campus experiences. In leadership and communication competences aspect, the academic involvement has negative influential effect and the family income, self-concept, education aspiration, peer relationship, club participation, read experience and thinking expansion have positive influential effects, explanatory power is 30%. In logic and computer information competences aspect, the mother's education level and sex have negative influential effect, the family incomes, entrance grade. self-concept, academic involvement, club participation, and thinking expansion have positive influential effects, explanatory power is 17%.. In foreign language competences aspect, the education aspiration has negative influential effect and all the others have positive influential effects except the father's education level and peer relationship, explanatory power is 13%. Finally, recommendations are presented.大學生能力發展校園經驗college studentcampus experiencescompetence development影響大學生能力發展相關因素研究A Study of Influential Factors on Competences Development for College Students