程瑞福Chen, Jui-Fu陳怡婷Chen, Yi-Ting2022-06-082021-09-302022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/e7e78d9be21cfb11376a8adc0d53fdea/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117744重視身心障礙學生學習權利與落實融合式體育是現今十二年國教主要的實施方針。但回歸體育課時,多數體育教師並未擁有相關知能,導致受挫經驗與身心壓力,造成既無法滿足普通學生體育課的需求;也無法顧及身心障礙學生學習之現況。為此瞭解實施融合式體育課程之資深體育教師之想法,透過質性研究觀點切入,以立意取樣選擇四位資深個案教師,採取半結構深入訪談方式,希望藉由資深體育教師的聲音,反應實施之現況、挑戰、看法與個別因應方式。結果:四位資深體育教師在實施態度上分為(安全守門員、有動到就好、重視班級氣氛與一視同仁) 1.安全守門員的教師:多重視緊急情況的責任歸屬,教學現場人力的缺乏,將導致融合班教師承受負面的心理負擔。2.動到就好的教師:校園的無障礙環境與運動器材,並不利於身心障礙的學生使用,擔心意外事件的發生;3.重視班級氣氛的教師:融合班學生個體差異性大,身心障礙學生體育受教權常因同儕不適當的互動、教師的過度保護而被忽視。4.一視同仁教師:透過參考個別化教育計畫,依學生不同能力,提供最適切的教導方式。本研究結論:應多重視融合式體育教學實踐之現況,人力、環境設備不足、責任法規問題、無落實參與IEP會議皆影響教師實施融合式教學的信心。最後,針對融合班體育教師提出具體之相關建議。Emphasizing the learning rights of students with disabilities and inclusive physical education are the main implementation guidelines for 12-year basic education. However, the scarcity of knowledge regarding adaptive physical education among most physical education teachers is substantial. This study aims to investigate the knowledge gap of the adaptive physical education. The individual case studies involved four experienced physical education teachers. The results of each interview were categorized into four different elements in order to farther dissect the proposed question with the thematic analysis.Subjects were recruited for this study based on their implementational attitudes toward the students with disabilities. First, “Safety priority”, which the subject payed more attention to the safety and the responsibility when the emergency occurs, revealed the understaffed condition as well as the risk of increasing negative physiological burden for the inclusive physical education teacher. Second, “Minimum requirement”, which described the limits of barrier-free exercise equipment in class involvement for the disabled students. Third, “Classroom atmosphere”, which the subject evaluated the inappropriate interactions between disabled students and their peers. Finally, “Equity priority”, the subject redesigned particular course objectives for the disabled students.In conclusion, this study reveals the lack of the resources in knowledge regarding special education, facilities, regulations, and the involvement of IEP, are the factors that may impact the feasibility of inclusive physical education and the confidence of physical education teachers who are implementing it. The results lead to the discussion of specific suggestions for the inclusive education teachers, in order to broaden the implementation and to accelerate the improvement of inclusive physical education.融合教育國中體育教師融合式體育教學Inclusive educationJunior high school PE teacherteaching inclusive physical education course國中體育教師實施融合式體育課之挑戰-個案研究The case study of junior high school teachers’teaching inclusive physical education curriculum challenges學術論文