林建福林鴻泰2019-08-282006-7-262019-08-282006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0691000297%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90022本研究旨由Adam Smith的道德情操論來處理知行問題,並論述其中的教育意涵。論文首章說明本研究之研究動機、目的、方法、範圍、及論文架構。第二章分析出造成道德上知行問題至少有六個可能原因─對道德情境的覺知敏感度較低、習慣成自然、考慮太多、欲望影響、情緒影響、文化環境影響等─,以此建立問題意識。第三章論述幾個主要的情緒理論論點,並由此證明情緒對道德認知與道德行動有所影響,開展由Adam Smith的同情道德哲學來處理道德上知行問題的可能性。第四章論述Adam Smith道德情操論中的四個主要思想論點─同情、公正旁觀者、良心、美德─,由此建立理論視角。第五章則將造成道德上知行問題的六個可能原因,與Adam Smith道德情操論中的四個論點相互比較並進行探究,發現道德情操論在處理道德知行問題上可帶給我們的啟示。最後一章立基於之前研究的內容,思考學校教育中的道德教學應該做的部分,以及其可能的道德教學實踐方式。The aim of the thesis is to search into the moral philosophy of Adam Smith – the theory of Moral Sentiment, to find some inspirations to solve the problems of either moral perception or moral action, and discovers educational meanings of his theory in moral education. At first, the researcher analyzes six possibilities which lead to the problems of either moral perception or moral action. Secondly, the researcher explores several important theories of emotion to prove that emotion can influence both moral perception and moral action. Therefore, it is possible to use sympathy, which is the main idea of Adam Smith’s theory of Moral Sentiment, to deal with the aforementioned problems of either moral perception or moral action. Thirdly, the researcher illustrates four main parts of Adam Smith’s theory of Moral Sentiment – sympathy, impartial spectator, conscience, virtue. Then, basing on Smith’s theory, the researcher tries to find some inspirations to solve the problems of either moral perception or moral action. Finally, the researcher put forward some suggestions of moral education, including what should be done and how could be practiced in school.亞當斯密情緒同情道德情操道德知行問題Adam SmithemotionsympathyMoral Sentimentmoral perception and moral action由Adam Smith的道德情操論來談知行問題及其道德教育的蘊義