李佩怡簡宇卿2019-08-282011-2-102019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695010331%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90956本研究旨在了解諮商師之助人專業發展過程中,諮商師宗教信仰與助人專業間的衝突與因應經驗、對整合兩者的期待,以及諮商師宗教信仰與助人專業間產生衝突經驗的潛在影響因素。研究以質性研究為研究方法,詮釋學為研究基本態度,深入訪談三位不同宗教信仰之諮商師,資料分析步驟以詮釋學取向之方式進行。 研究結果分為以下四點,第一,衝突經驗以諮商學習者、諮商求助者、諮商受督者和諮商工作者等不同角色區分時,可發現衝突經驗可能發生於單一角色內、角色與外在環境互動時,以及角色間衝突時。第二,衝突經驗以情感、認知、行為三個層面區分時,可發現認知層面的概念與信念會影響情感性的經驗衝突和行為上的抉擇矛盾,情感層面的個人偏好則也會影響行為上的抉擇矛盾。第三,面對衝突的因應方式,可分為區別切割、橋樑與目的地、大者納小、序位選擇、互有助益、共同相通等六種,而此六種方式彼此仍有重疊的可能,而對整合的期待,則可分為對信仰環境、諮商環境以及諮商師自身能力的期待三項。第四,潛在影響衝突經驗的因素中,可發現成長背景會影響價值觀的優先選擇序位、個人特質會影響衝突感產生的強烈程度、身處環境會促發或減少衝突經驗的發生,以及生活事件會促發或影響衝突經驗的產生。 根據研究結果,本研究提出以下三點結論,第一,諮商師宗教信仰與助人專業之衝突經驗樣貌多元,並受相關因素所影響,第二,諮商師宗教信仰與助人專業未達整合狀態,衝突與因應經驗持續交替發生,第三,諮商師在持續衝突中未放棄任何一者,仍渴望宗教信仰與助人專業的整合。最後,研究者提出對諮商實務與相關研究兩方面的建議,以及本研究的限制和反思。Throughout the development of counselor’s helping profession, there might be conflicts between counselor’s religion and the helping profession. The purpose of the research is to understand counselor’s experience in facing and coping with the conflict, the expectation to integrate one’s religion and helping profession, and the potential influential factors causing the conflict. The research adopts qualitative method and hermeneutics is applied as the research’s foundation. In-depth interviews with three counselors with different religions were conducted and hermeneutical approaches were for used data analysis. The results are as follows. First, when conflict happens to the four roles of people, counseling trainee, counselee, counseling supervisee, and counselor, the conflict might occur to certain role, or when the role interacts with the environment or when there are conflicts between roles. Second, there are three components of conflict: affective, cognitive, and behavioral. The concept and belief, which belong to cognitive component, influence emotional conflict and cause contradiction when making decision, which belongs behavioral component. Also, one’s preference, which belongs to affective component, also influences decision-making contradiction. Third, the methods to cope with conflict can be devided into six categories: division, bridge and destination, including the smaller in the greater, choosing prior values, mutual beneficial, and common ground. The six kinds of methods might overlap. The expectations of integration can be categorized as the expectations of religious environment, counseling environment, and counselor's ability. Fourth, among the potential influential factors for conflict, one’s background affects the choice of prior values; one’s personality affects the sense of intensity of the conflict; the environment at the moment can trigger or reduce conflict; and life events cause or influence the occurance of conflict. Based on research results, there are three conclusions. First, counselor’s experience in facing conflict between counselor’s religion and helping profession is variety, and affected by related factors. Second, counselor’s religious belief and helping profession are not yet integrated. The experiences in facing and coping with conflict continue to occur in rotation. Third, counselors do not give up either the religion or helping profession despite the continuing conflicts. They still long for the integration of these two. Last, the researcher raises two suggestions for the practice of counseling and related studies. Limits and the reflections of the research are also included in the conclusion.諮商師宗教信仰助人專業衝突因應counselorreligionhelping professionconflictcoping諮商師宗教信仰與助人專業 的衝突與因應經驗探討A Study of Counselor's Experience in Facing and Coping with the Conflict between Counselor's Religion and Helping Profession