林磐聳Apex Lin, Pang-Soong江易珊Chiang, Yi-shan2020-12-102010-6-222020-12-102010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696600511%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115409紙的文化經過長時間的累積,紀錄了人類的歷史與傳統,更是情感與 回憶的載體,承載著我們的生活。而在媒體及傳播方式改變的同時,未來 文化和傳播方式皆傾向於電腦數位化。電子通訊成為現代溝通與傳播的主 流,導致紙的行業逐漸式微。相對而言,紙的文化便顯得格外地重要。筆 者自小就對紙藝作品深感興趣 , 研究所時期又深受國外紙藝設計案例啓 發,於是選定手工紙藝作為研究對象。筆者家鄉位於桃園縣觀音鄉,其一 年一度的蓮花季為地方的觀光盛事,但近年來卻有商業化與流於制式之趨 勢;本研究期許能以手工紙藝結合地方節慶文化 , 傳承教育手工紙藝文 化,並同時藉由手工紙設計創作推廣家鄉產業,創造地方生活美學。 本創作論文以文獻探討法與行動研究法進行手工紙的歷史文化與時代 意義之研究,分析台灣手工紙工藝產業目前發展狀況,並以國內外手工紙 設計成功案例作為借鏡,希望藉由手工紙的再創新與設計,以開發台灣新 生活美學商機。實際前往長瑩國際股份有限公司菲律賓 C&J 特殊紙廠,學 習大型手工紙製作程序;並另外為桃園縣「觀音鄉蓮花季」創作蓮(荷) 相關手工紙設計,開發系列手工紙張作為創作素材。 本創作研究者進行手工紙的種類開發與設計,並以桃園縣「觀音鄉蓮 花季」為應用對象,將中國傳統「蓮」文化意涵與生活美學設計思維融入 創作,設計研發現代蓮意象之手工紙,進行開發燈飾設計等創作產品,將 重要傳統文化資產轉為創意紙藝設計 。 藉由整合傳統與創新 , 手工與設 計,並結合地方文化產業節慶,期許能將紙的文化傳承下去,並喚醒國人 的生活美學意識。以觀音鄉蓮花季紙藝產品增加其宣傳通路;為觀音鄉開 展創造文創產業商機,藉由本土性節慶產業融入手工紙藝生活美學,以文 化帶動鄉內發展。The culture of paper is the accumulation of time, records of human history and tradition. It's the carrier of emotions and memories, carrying our lives. The change in the media and the mode of transmission, while both the future of culture and communication are the way to the digital computer, electronic communication has become the mainstream of modern society, the paper industries will certainly lead to gradually declining; but relatively speaking, paper culture is all the more important. My hometown is in Guanyin Township, Taoyuan County, and the annual “Lotus Festival” is a very important event for local tourism, but the trend is gradual decline and commercialized year by year. This study hopes to combine the hometown festival culture and the arts of handmade-paper, pass and educate our traditional cultural heritage, also promoting local industry by creative paper design, recreate local aesthetics of life. This thesis surveys the history and cultural significance of handmade-paper, to analyze the handmade-paper industry development in Taiwan. To research the successful paper design as examples, and to create handmade-paper and design relative products, hoping by the re-innovation and redesign of handmade-paper can develop business opportunities for Taiwan's new life aesthetics. The author went to C&J special papers (Philippines) INC., learning the procedures of making large handmade-paper. This project created new paper for "Guanyin Lotus Festival", as a material to design the peripheral products of "Guanyin Lotus Festival". This research invented new handmade-paper of lotus, and use for "Guanyin Lotus Festival" products development. Basing on the traditional Chinese "lotus" cultural symbolization and aesthetic of life, create modern lotus Images of the handmade-paper, and use this material to develop such as lighting products. Turning traditional cultural assets into creative paper art, by integrating traditions and innovation, crafted handmade paper and modern design, combined with the local cultural industry festival and the local cultural, expect that the culture of paper can be passed along, and to awaken awareness of human life aesthetic.手工紙生活美學文化創意產業Handmade-paperLife AestheticCultural Creativity Industry手工紙生活美學-以「桃園縣觀音鄉蓮花季」為設計創作研究Research and Creative Design for Handmade Paper: The Guanyin Lotus Festival