張國恩宋曜廷方瓊瑤張謙楣Chien-Mei Chang2019-08-292006-2-222019-08-292006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069208007%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92683本研究目的為發展一套適用於國文科教室情境的教學輔助系統,支援國文科課堂教學活動中個別閱讀活動與合作學習活動的進行,改善目前高中國文科範文教學活動中,學生缺乏閱讀策略應用的訓練機會、教師無法監督並了解學生個別預習的閱讀理解狀況,以及教學流程一成不變且缺乏合作互動的缺點,進而提升學生國文閱讀理解能力與學習興趣。 研究採用準實驗設計法,以台北市立女子第一高級中學一年級的兩個班級為實驗對象,分為實驗組43人,控制組43人。自變項為本研究所發展之「無線教室閱讀系統」是否融入國文科課堂教學,依變項為學生閱讀理解能力以及閱讀策略應用能力。為期八週的實驗期間,實驗組以「無線教室閱讀系統」融入國文科課堂之個別閱讀活動與合作學習活動。 實驗結果發現,「無線教室閱讀系統」融入國文科課堂教學後的學習情節,能夠提升學生詮釋理解層次的閱讀理解能力,並有助於國文能力較低的同學提升整體性閱讀策略的應用能力,另一方面,學生認為這樣的學習情節能提升合作學習時的小組參與感,但是仍不足以增加學生對於國文科的學習興趣。The main purpose of this research was to develop a wireless handheld system for supporting individual and cooperative reading activities in the Chinese language arts classroom in senior high school. By integrating traditional Chinese language arts teaching models with the learning scenarios embedding the system, we hypothesized that students’ abilities of reading comprehension and strategy use can be enhanced by more opportunities of interaction between teacher and peers, more training of using strategies, and teachers’ monitoring of students’ reading. We adopted a quasi-experimental design to verify our hypotheses. Subjects are 86 first-grade senior high school students in Taipei City. Through random assignment with the class unit, the subjects were divided into experimental group (n=43) and comparison group (n=43). The experimental group proceeded individual reading and cooperative learning activities with the wireless handheld system in the Chinese language arts classroom for eight weeks, while the comparison group did regular learning activities as usual. We draw some conclusions from the experimental results. The learning scenarios with our wireless handheld system can improve students’ ability of interpretive reading comprehension, and improve the ability of applying global reading strategies for students whose Chinese language arts are poor. Besides, according to the attitude questionnaires, although the learning scenarios with our wireless handheld system can’t increase students’ interests, they agree that the learning scenarios can prompt them to participate in group discussion.閱讀理解閱讀策略電腦支援合作學習行動載具行動學習reading comprehensionreading strategyCSCLhandheldmobile learning行動載具在支援高中國文科教室教學情境的應用The Design and Development of a Wireless Handheld System for Supporting Individual and Cooperative Learning Activities in the Classroom ─ A Case of Chinese Language Arts in Taiwan Senior High School