蘇席瑤Su, Hsi-Yao黃子岳Huang, Richard Zi-Yue2023-12-082025-06-302023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/1cb3749f88efd12b7e8152e66cd1f219/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120612這項研究調查了在YouTube街頭訪談影片中,用於創造幽默的字幕之策略。此研究蒐集了YouTube頻道-HahaTai 哈哈台裡的街頭訪談影片中的240枚字幕,並使用三個理論框架作為基礎進行分析,即語言歧義分類、失諧-解困理論和成員類屬分析。分析結果顯示,標題中的幽默策略可以從多種角度分析:結構觀點、語用觀點、文本結構觀點和社會觀點。每一個角度都有多種引起幽默之策略。雖然這些策略可以單獨運作,但它們也常常結合,其中較頻繁一同出現的策略組合包括:(1)複合詞和同音異義、(2)諷刺和誇張法、(3)標籤化和誇張法、(4) 標籤化和語碼轉換,以及(5)構建對話和誇張法。同時,也發現不是所有的策略都利用了失諧的概念,有些策略是基於與社會期待的不相容、強調和刻板印象。本研究為今後在電腦中介傳播中使用幽默策略的研究提出了建議,並期望未來研究能觀察個體差異和媒體平台的不同對幽默感知的影響。This study investigated the strategies used to create humor in captions in street interview videos on YouTube. A total of 240 captions in the selected street interview videos on the YouTube channel, HahaTai, were collected and examined using three theoretical frameworks, namely the language ambiguity classification, Incongruity-Resolution Theory, and Membership Categorization Analysis. The results showed that the humor strategies in the captions could be analyzed from various perspectives: structural, pragmatic, textual, and social. Each perspective had multiple strategies so as to evoke humor. While these strategies could work individually, they also appeared in frequent combinations including (1) word compounding and homonymy, (2) sarcasm and hyperbole, (3) labeling and hyperbole, (4) labeling and code-switching, and (5) constructed dialogue and hyperbole. It was also found that not all strategies were based on incongruity, some strategies were based on incompatibility, emphasis, and stereotypes. The study provided suggestions for future research on the use of humorous strategies in computer-mediated communication and highlighted the need to examine the effects of individual differences and different media platforms on humor perception.語言歧義失諧-解困理論解困理論成員類屬分析刻板印象電腦中介傳播language ambiguityIncongruity-Resolution TheoryMembership Categorization Analysisstereotypecomputer-mediated communicationYouTube街頭訪問影片中幽默字幕之策略The Strategies of Humor in Captionsin Street Interview Videos on YouTubeetd