陳茂泰王學靜2019-08-292012-6-282019-08-292012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0098262105%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93256語言是人類傳達情意的工具,要獲得語言整體的概念,必需從日常生活中體驗,產生語言經驗類化與運用語文的能力,透過語言經驗教導學童發現問題及解決問題、進行溝通的能力,提升整體語言素養。 全語言教育是重視學習者和學習、教學、教師四者的教學理念,強調在真實有組織完整的情境下,實施聽、說、讀、寫與整體課程統整的教學,目前國小僅實施一週一節的臺語課程,無法讓學童獲得完整的語言學習。 本研究以行動研究法進行,記錄台北縣國小二年級36位學童,在22週臺語教學行動研究歷程與全語言教育教室的實施實況,透過教學的觀察紀錄以及協同教師對話、省思、修正、再教學,並將研究結果做量化與質性的彙整分析,探究學童臺語能力聽、說、讀、寫的具體轉變成效,以及教師的成長與收穫。 研究結果顯示:(一)全語言教育中學童與教室情境產生互動提供多元探索機會,提升學童臺語學習動機與信心。(二)全語言教育以多元化方式延伸臺語教學主題,增進學童學習互動與成效。(三)全語言教育使學童臺語聽、說、讀、寫能力明顯進步,惟獨閱讀能力需再長時間養成。(四)全語言教育教師角色是多面向性,教學上獲得更多成長與回饋。(五)全語言教育實施臺語教學獲得家長認同,家庭成員族群結構會影響母語教育的學習。 根據研究結論對於課程設計與實施、教師、家長、研究者提出具體建議,期望臺語教育能受到社會大眾的重視,運用全語言教育理念將臺語教學發揮更大的效能。Language is the unique tool for human beings to express their cognitions and emotions. In order to obtain the overall concepts of a language, I think it is essential for students to learn from everyday life, and accumulate language experiences at the same time. Therefore, my colleague and I worked together help students discover and solve problems in daily communication and gradually improve their language abilities. Whole language approach is a teaching concept to contain students, teacher, learning and teaching in whole process. It emphasizes that listening, speaking, reading and writing are integral parts of any language learning(including Taiwanese). However, I found current Taiwanese courses in elementary school that are restricted to one session per week, which is inefficient for students to achieve the their goal of learning. First, I used action research on one elementary school in Taipei County, and had documented thirty-six second-graders’ Taiwanese whole language learning experiences for twenty-two weeks. I also employed classroom observation and conversations with quantitative and qualitative analysis in exploring the students’ effective learning performances in listening, speaking, reading and writing, as well as upgrading the teacher’s teaching growth and gain. Secondly, I shaped up the whole language learning management to stimulate advanced leaning. I found the results as follows: 1. Through whole language learning, the students have more opportunities for multi-explorations, and strengthen their motives and confidence in learning. 2. By extending whole language approach in other course learning, the students can improve their interactions and efficiencies in learning. 3. Although the students can benefit from whole language learning in Taiwanese listening, speaking, but they need more time to upscale writing and reading. 4. Then teachers can play their role in multi-dimensional ways and get more feedback from students. 5. All of student’s family unanimously gave testimony to the usefulness of whole language learning to mother-tongue education. Finally, I suggest some concrete constructive thoughts for teachers in course designing and course diversification, and for students in mother tongue usage frequency at home.全語言臺語教學行動研究語言教學whole languageTaiwanese teachingaction researchlanguage teaching全語言教育歷程之實踐—以青青國小二年甲班學童臺語能力為例A Practice of Whole Language Approach—One Case Study of Taiwanese Proficiency of the students, Class 2A, Qing-Qing Elementary School