黃乃熒徐昌義2019-08-282010-1-262019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0892000060%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90293本研究主要透過文件分析、焦點團體及深入訪談之研究法,針對個案學校之學校行銷正當性進行論述分析,藉由探析不同利害關係人對學校行銷發展過程中的立場與觀點;探究學校行銷正當性發展過程之情境脈絡;詮釋學校行銷發展過程中參與者之立場、所受到權力的影響與結果,進而將其權力關係予以解構,使各種參與者的論述都能獲得重視,減少學校行銷所發展過程之正當性危機,以開啟更合理及具有正當性的學校行銷。由於學校行銷必須透過符合法律程序及道德規範的行銷策略,使社會大眾獲知學校的辦學成果,同時保障學校所有成員的參與機會、公平的分享學校資源、積極維護個人權利,如此才能提升學校行銷的正當性。本研究之結論如下: 一、個案學校之學校行銷主要包括行政人員與教師的溝通互動;學校提供學生與家長的教學服務以及學校與社區家長的關係維繫。 二、個案學校行政人員因為與教師分享多元適性發展理念,使教師認同學校的教育價值。 三、個案學校提供滿足學生家長需求的服務,因而使學生家長感受到學校的關懷。 四、個案學校重視與家長及社區公共關係,因而增進社區家長對學校的認同感。 五、個案學校行政人員排擠基層教師發聲機會,因而使教師感受到權力的壓迫感。 六、個案學校特別重視升學輔導班,損害普通班學生權益因而使普通班學生受到傷害。 七、個案學校因為只重視有權勢家長,忽略弱勢家長參與權益因而使弱勢家長受到歧視。 八、個案學校教師感受到權力的壓迫感之正當性危機排除,需要行政人員與基層教師建立實質平等溝通機會而具有合法性。 九、個案學校普通班學生受到傷害之正當性危機排除,應使學校提供學生均等教學服務而具有道德性。 十、個案學校弱勢家長受到歧視之正當性危機排除,應敦促學校關懷所有學生家長教育權利而具有倫理性。 最後,針對上述研究結論,提出對學校行銷正當性以及未來研究之具體建議。The research method used in this study was document analysis, focus group and depth interview and it focuses on using discourse analysis to realize the legitimacy of the school marketing. Furthermore, it tries to analyze different stakeholders’ the perspective or standpoint of the school marketing during the developing process, to investigate the context of the school marketing in legitimate development, to interpret the standpoint of the participators during the development of the school marketing which is affected by the power and its conclusion; then, it tries to deconstruct the power relationship in order to all participators’ discourses can be valued and to decrease legitimacy crisis during the development of the school marketing and the school marketing can be more reasonable and legitimate. When the school marketing obeys the legal and the normative marketing strategies, the public can obtain fruitful results of the school. Meanwhile, it can protect all participators’ participating opportunities, to equally share resource of the school, to actively maintain personal right. Only achieving above thosekey elements can enhance the legitimacy of the school marketing. The conclusions of this research are as follows: 1. The case study on the school marketing contains communicating between administrators and teachers, providing students and parents the teaching and learning service and keeping the relationship with the students’ parents and the community. 2. The administrators from the case study on the school share the multiple and appropriate perspective with teachers which lets teachers identify with the value of school education. 3. The case study on the school satisfies the students’ and parents’ demands which lets students’ parents feel concerns. 4. The case study on the school cares about the relationship with the students’ parents and the community which can help parents identify with the school. 5. The administrators from the case study on the school exclude the teachers voicing out which lets the teachers feel oppressive. 6. The case study on the school cares about continuous education – guidance, damaging the right of the students in the ordinary class; therefore, they get hurt. 7. The case study on the school only cares about the power parents, ignoring the disadvantage parents what causes disadvantage parents discrimination. 8. The teachers from the case study on the school excludes from legitimacy crisis of getting oppressive which can let the administrators and teachers should build up the equal opportunities for communicating. It will be legal. 9. The students in the ordinary class from the case study on the school excludes from legitimacy crisis of getting hurt which can let the school provide students the equal teaching and learning service. It will be normative. 10. The disadvantage parents from the case study on the school excludes from legitimacy crisis of getting discriminative which can let the school concern about the education rights of students’ parents. It will be ethical. According to the conclusion of the research, it provides some recommendations for the school marketing being legitimate and further research.學校行銷正當性論述分析school marketinglegitimacydiscourse analysis學校行銷正當性之論述分析The Discourse Analysis of the Legitimacy of the School Marketing –