國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系黃淑貞黃春雄曾德運黃彥芳王春美2014-12-022014-12-022003-06-011023-9812http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/39884本研究的目的在瞭解臺灣地區乳癌病友參與團體及滿意度情形。研究者針對臺灣地區21個乳癌病友團體郵寄問卷調查,樣本之選取以各團體為分層,作分層系統抽樣,總計回收有效問卷793份,回收率達59.5%。資料分析包括各變項的描述性統計,並作變項間的相關,最後從事複迴歸分析探討病友對團體之滿意度及其預測變項。結果發現,絕大多數的樣本均表示知道病友團體的目的並且認同此一目的;樣本對活動內容的期待以提供醫療資訊為首;團體內的溝通普通而偏正向且對成員有支持作用,樣本對團體的滿意度相當高。對團體滿意度相關的因素是知道和認同團體目的、團體內的溝通情形、以及結婚狀況。研究者並提出實務和研究上的建議。Support groups have become an important component for the treatment of cancer patients, especially breast cancer patients. Currently in Taiwan, both the incidence and mortality rates of breast cancer are on the rise. In order to better work with patients and their families, breast cancer support groups have been established. This study aims to investigate the degree of participation and satisfaction of Taiwan breast cancer support group participants. A questionnaire was mailed to 21 breast cancer support groups on Taiwan, resulting with 793respondents. Pearson-Moment correlation and multiple-regression were used to analyze the data. Most of the members knew the purpose of the groups and agreed with it. What they expected from the group was medical information. They considered the communication within the group positive and felt being loved in the group. Most of members were satisfied with the group. The degree of participant satisfaction with support groups included factors of understanding and agreement with the purpose of the support groups, interpersonal communication within the support groups and the marital status of being married. Recommendations were made concerning the practice and further research on Taiwan breast cancer support groups.自助團體乳癌病人社會支持團體參與團體滿意度Breast cancer patientsGroup participationSatisfaction of group supportSelf-helf groupSocial support臺灣地區乳癌病友團體成員參與和滿意度研究