陳雪雲 博士林君諭Chun-yu Lin2019-08-292003-07-302019-08-292003http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0068902011%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92009在全球化的思潮下,台灣有愈來愈多的外籍新娘,而她們入境之後首當其衝的是必須面臨語言溝通的困難,近來有關單位意識到識字教育對其的重要性,也陸續為這些新移民提供識字教育的課程。本研究主要就在台東南亞外籍新娘的識字學習經驗進行瞭解,探究她們在台灣的識字學習歷程中自我反思與轉化的情形,以及探討外籍新娘的學習型態與原生背景、接待家庭社經階級等之關聯性,並期藉此研究提供政府及相關機構在規劃外籍新娘識字課程時之參考。 因此本研究的研究目的是: 一、瞭解外籍新娘原生母國的學習經驗。 二、探究外籍新娘參與識字學習的動機以及在識字學習的歷程中,遭遇的困難與因應的策略。並瞭解其間自我反思和經驗轉化情形。 三、探究外籍新娘在先後學習歷程中,其自我轉化情形。及分析外籍新娘識字學習的形態,及其與社會位置性的關係。 四、建議外籍新娘識字教育課程規劃和教學設計之參考。 本研究採女性主義知識論的觀點作為分析的依據。並以質性研究方法為基礎,以訪談法為主,輔以參與觀察與文件資料作為研究的參照,將三個個案的資料整理融匯歸納。 本研究發現如下: 一、 外籍新娘識字學習呼應女性主義後結構論。 二、 外籍新娘並非一同質性的範疇。 三、 外籍新娘識字學習的樣態及其在不同面向中自我的展演與其所在社會位置有關。In a global context, there are more and more brides immigrants from the countries of Southeast Asia to Taiwan. The language either Mandarin or Taiwanese dialect is most prominently difficult that they face with. However, the government has run some literacy campaigns for them. The major aim of this research is to analyze the learning experience of the foreign brides who have taken part to the literacy program in Taipei. The purposes of this study are: 1. To explore the previous learning experience of those brides who participate in the literacy program. 2. To explore the motivation of the participant and what difficulties they have. Also, how do they have control on the learning process? What kinds of change have been brought about through the learning process? 3. To explore the learning style based on the capacity of self-reflection, and to analyze whether there is a relation between learning style and social position. 4. To suggest the government and adult educators how to reform the literacy campaign for the brides in future. Taking the theoretical perspectives from feminist epistemology, three foreign brides from Vietnam and Indonesia are selected. Furthermore, a multi-method design that includes in-depth interview, participant-observation and documentary analysis is set up to collect the data. Finally. I conclude three themes as follows: 1.Generally, three kinds of learning style are found in this study, for instance, ‘Silenced Learner’, ‘subjective Learner’, and ‘procedural learner ‘. . 2. There is no universal category of the foreign bride; moreover, their acquisitions of literacy and language are located in social structure. 3. The notion of ‘position’ is characterized through the literacy learning process.外籍新娘識字女性主義社會位置foreign bridesliteracyfeminismsocial position東南亞外籍新娘識字學習之研究A Study on the literacy learning of Southeast Asia ’ foreign brides’ in Taiwan