張千惠Chang, Chien-Huey Sophie曾家誼Zeng, Chai-Yi2023-12-082028-09-102023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/2743c961fece67805d22850cb012871b/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119656近年受到高齡化浪潮的影響,視障長者的人口也隨之攀升。多數視障長者缺乏烹飪技能,隨著年齡的增長,視障長者的生活品質、獨立性與身體健康受到影響,然而,視障長者烹飪技能的學習卻較少受到關注。學習烹飪技能對視障長者有其必要性,但烹飪的困難度可能使視障長者望而止步。若能透過遊戲式學習的方式,可以提升視障長者對烹飪技能的學習動機與興趣。透過「電鍋烹飪技能遊戲式學習」桌遊,在遊戲中提供多感官鷹架,使視障長者能完整的參與遊戲,並且透過遊戲學習烹飪。故本研究以視障長者的烹飪技能為學習內容,透過遊戲式學習的方式,探討視障長者烹飪技能遊戲式學習之學習成效與學習行為。本研究將三十二位視障長者分為兩組,實驗組進行遊戲式學習,透過錄影紀錄並將學習行為進行編碼與序列分析,而控制組則進行傳統講述式課程。透過學習前後測、學習動機量表ARCS、心流經驗量表FSG與遊戲接受度量表,觀察視障長者的學習表現。研究結果顯示,以視障長者為中心設計的遊戲式學習與傳統講述式課程,皆能使視障長者有效的學習烹飪技能。「電鍋烹飪技能遊戲式學習」有助於促進視障長者的學習動機,使視障長者在遊戲中產生高度的心流經驗且具有良好的遊戲接受度。「電鍋烹飪技能遊戲式學習」的各變項皆為正關係,且能促進視障長者的社會互動與正向積極的學習行為。 「電鍋烹飪技能遊戲式學習」促進了視障長者的社交互動與討論行為的發展,視障長者展現了專注且積極的學習行為,遊戲提供反覆練習的機會,使視障長者更投入於課堂並發展遊戲策略。遊戲提供的同儕支持與多感官鷹架提升視障長者對遊戲的可及性,也增加了視障長者的成功機會。 關鍵字:遊戲式學習、學習成效、學習動機、心流經驗、遊戲接受度、視障長者、烹飪、序列分析In recent years, the population of elderly with visual impairments has been increasing due to the wave of population aging. Most elderly with visual impairments lack cooking skills, and as they age, their quality of life, independence, and physical health are affected. However, learning cooking skills for the elderly with visual impairments has received less attention. Learning cooking skills is essential for the elderly with visual impairments, but the difficulty of cooking may discourage them. By using game-based learning, it is possible to enhance the motivation and interest of the elderly with visual impairments in learning cooking skills. Through the"Cooking Skills Game-based Learning" tabletop game, multi-sensory scaffolding is provided, allowing elderly with visual impairments to fully participate in the game and learn cooking knowledge through gameplay. Therefore, this study focuses on the cooking skills of the elderly with visual impairments and explores the learning effectiveness and learning behavior of game-based learning for cooking skills among the elderly with visual impairments. The study divided 32 elderly with visual impairments into an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group engaged in game-based learning, and their learning behaviors were recorded and coded through video recording and sequence analysis. The control group received traditional lecture-style instruction. Through pre-and post-tests, the ARCS motivation scale, the Flow State in Games scale (FSG), and the Game Acceptance Scale, the learning performance of the elderly with visual impairments were observed.The results of the study showed that game-based learning designed for the elderly with visual impairments at the center and traditional lecture-style instruction both effectively improved the learning effectiveness of the elderly with visual impairments. "Cooking Skills Game-based Learning" helped promote the learning motivation of the elderly with visual impairments, enabling them to experience a high level of flow during the game and showing good acceptance of the game. There were positive relationships among learning effectiveness, learning motivation, flow experience, and game acceptance in"Cooking Skills Game-based Learning." "Cooking Skills Game-based Learning" promoted social interaction and positive learning behavior among the elderly with visual impairments. The "Cooking Skills Game-based Learning" has promoted the development of social interaction and discussion behaviors among the elderly with visual impairments. They have demonstrated focused and proactive learning behaviors during the game. Through the opportunities for repetitive practice provided by the game, elderly with visual impairments can engage more actively in the classroom and develop game strategies. The peer support and multi-sensory scaffolding provided by the game enhance the accessibility for elderly with visual impairments and increase their chances of success. Additionally, this study provides relevant suggestions for future research and instructional practices.Keywords: game-based learning, learning effectiveness, learning motivation, flow experience, game acceptance, senior people with visual impairments, cooking skills, sequential analysis.遊戲式學習學習成效學習動機心流經驗遊戲接受度視障長者烹飪序列分析game-based learninglearning effectivenesslearning motivationflow experiencegame acceptancesenior people with visual impairmentscooking skillssequential analysis視障長者烹飪技能遊戲式學習之學習成效與學習行為序列分析The learning effectiveness and sequential analysis of learning behaviors of game-based learning of cooking skills for senior people with visual impairmentsetd