黃乃熒Huang, Nai-Ying陳柏蓉Chen, Po-Jung2022-06-082021-05-142022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/1b3b327881131972c20401928461bba5/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118559十二年國民基本教育課程綱要總綱重視「適性揚才」的教育理念,並以成就每一個孩子為願景。然而,臺灣的教育文化深受升學制度影響,若期待高中落實十二年國教多元適性的理念與價值,則必須重視大學考招制度的連動調整。過去以標準化紙筆測驗成績作為升大學的主要依據,但由這種方式來接受分發的學生,經常出現分發到不是自己有興趣的科系等現象,對學生的生涯和整體社會之發展造成負面影響。因此,大學考招制度變革能否有效實現十二年國教的適性教育理念,真實回應個別化與差異化的學習需求,使學生擁有多樣化學習情境,並得到發揮潛能的機會,成為重要議題。本研究運用訪談、觀察、文件分析等方法進行質性取向的個案研究,訪談對象為個案學校的教師、學生、輔導室教師,藉此探索大學考招制度變革之下的高中適性教育實踐,以及高中適性教育實踐的問題。本研究之結論為:(一)大學考招制度變革之下,高中教師能重視學生的學習需求與多元能力;(二)大學考招制度變革之下,高中學生在適性學習過程中,能主動找尋學習資源與增進自我認識;(三)大學考招制度變革之下,高中適性教育實踐面臨自主性不足與固定化教育環境的問題。最後依據研究發現與結論,對於高中教師、學生、大學考招制度、教育行政與學校行政單位,以及未來之研究提出相關建議。期望本研究之成果能提供教育政策改革的參考,讓學生能夠充分發揮潛能與自我實現。Curriculum Guidelines of 12-year Basic Education emphasized the educational philosophy of"nurture by nature", and it takes making all students successful as the vision. However, education culture in Taiwan is deeply influenced by the school admission system. If high schools are expected to implement the concept and value of the 12-year Basic Education, people must pay attention to the college recruitment and entrance examination system reform. In the past, the way to enter a college was based on standardized test scores. However, students who entered a college in this way were oftendistributed to the departments that they were not interested in, which caused negative influence on the students' career and the overall development of society. Therefore, whether the college recruitment and entrance examination system reform can effectively realize the educational philosophy of adaptive education in Curriculum Guidelines of 12-year Basic Education, truly respond to individualized and differentiated learning, enable students to have diversified learning situations, and get the opportunity to realize their potential become important issues. This study adopted a "case study" method, andconducted through document analysis, interviews, and observations. The interviewees are teachers, students, and teachers of Counseling Office from the chosen school. This study aims to explore adaptive education practices in high school under the impact of college recruitment and entrance examination system reform. The research results of this study include the following: (1) under the college recruitment and entrance examination system reform, high school teachers can pay attention to students’ learning needs and multiple intelligence; (2) under the college recruitment and entrance examination system reform, students can actively search for learning resource and increase self-understanding; (3) under the college recruitment and entrance examination system reform, the practices of adaptive education of high school face the lack of autonomy and fixed educational environment.Based on the research results, specific recommendations are made for high school teachers, students, the college recruitment and entrance examination system, school administrative units, education administrative department, and follow-up researchers. Hope the findings of this research can provide references for educational policy reforms, so that all students can reach their full potential and undergo self-actualization.大學考招制度制度變革適性教育college recruitment and entrance examination systemsystem reformadaptive education大學考招制度變革之高中適性教育個案研究A Case Study on High School Adaptive Education for College Recruitment and Entrance Examination System Reform學術論文