國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系董貞吟黃乾全張家儒駱怡安 2014-12-022014-12-022004-03-011015-8405http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/40187為深度收集各大學校園音環境特色,立意選擇北中南東共10所不同特色的大學為研究對象,之後透過相關領域專家編制半結構式的校園音環境訪查表,再由研究人員輔以音量測量、攝影及錄音實地進行校園音環境訪查,最後由各校行政人員的協助下再彙整學校背景資料,以統整各校音環境的特色與現況。 由研究結果知,各校因地理位置(學校位置、市區或郊區)、學校背景(宗教性質、系所類別、特殊節慶)、學生特質(人數、男女比、原住民學生、外籍學生)、環境規劃及建築設計(圍牆、綠化設計、開放空間、隔音、建蔽率、容積率、綠覆率、道路寬度)等不同,故間接或直接影響校園音環境的內容。其次,一般校園主要的音環境也有因綠化而帶來的自然聲、學生活力無窮的活動聲、教室或校內工廠的機器儀器聲等,而經實地觀察,則是普遍聽見校園間的飛機聲、汽機車聲、及不間斷的營建工程聲等。 此外,經校園音量測量後得知各校於校門口的音源為最大音量之處,多為經過的汽機車聲所致。而校園行政管理方面,則共同期盼能落實完善的校內交通管制規定,最後於赴育活動規劃上,除部分學校能利用社團活動提升學生對於校園環境的覺知外,各校於校園音環境教育發展上,仍有極大的空間。The purpose of this study was to collect the sound environment situation and characteristic of universities in Taiwan. The sample was selected 10 special universities form each sections in Taiwan. Then, Researchers used the semi-structural checklist, sound level meters, digital camera and digital video to collect the data. Besides this, the school administrators assisted to collect the background of school. Some significant factors that would effect the school sound environment include the school geography, categories of the school, classification of students and the design of environment and structure. Moreover, most universities have the sound of nature, exercise, machines and traffic, and after measuring the school sound environment, researcher found that the front gate of the school was the soundest volume is the campus. It was caused of the outside motorcycles and cars. In conclusion, the research suggested that the school administration and management should perfectly practice the traffic rule in the campus.音環境大學Sound environmentUniversities大學校園音環境之現況與特色分析--以國內十所大學為例The Analysis on the Current Environment Sound Characteristic for the Ten Domestic Universities�