朱友意CHU, YU YI張翊琪CHANG, YI CHI2020-12-102012-2-162020-12-102012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698600216%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115500此創作研究命名為《現實的差距》,旨在探討「影像」,如何在視覺上成立並形構、支配人類的知覺感受。分析筆者在創作實踐的過程中,將外部視覺影像其掛搭、流怖於萬物的特性與作用於身體的知覺經驗,內外反轉出重塑影像的感覺邏輯。 「影像」之所以能夠在視覺上成立,其透過身體感的先決過程,早已混搭了觸覺、聽覺甚至是時間、空間,影像不只投射了存有者的生活狀態和習慣,更透過自身暗示其它影像的浮光掠影,它是外部事物通過感官和神經的媒介作用於我們肉體的產物,也就是事物被知覺的同時成為的表象,也能透過被動的體驗折射出記憶的輪廓。創作者提供自己的身體,將世界體現在藝術表現上,並在視覺處落腳。於是繪畫,透過其色彩、輪廓與材質的混搭、配置,從而讓自己顫動或流佈,成為一種無位移的運動,而這種運動的必要性就是為了貼合萬物的可動特性,迫使觀者藉由追尋其運動的痕跡,找到使得身心震盪的蛛絲馬跡。 在此創作研究《現實的差距》提出的作品中,筆者希望利用影像 — 感官延伸的特性,並將自身體驗到的感覺、閱讀的差距,反轉到繪畫創作上,體現事件發生的不斷裂變,提供另一種視覺體驗。“The interval of reality” is the subject of this study. This aims to explore the images which shape and dominant the perception of the human experiences, and formed in the visual. According to the process of creative practices, the sense of logic reshapes the images are reversed by the characteristics of visual images. This is attached to things in the world and the perceptual experiences that results in the motion acting in the body. It is an unique that the sense of the body in images is being revealed with different kinds of sensations such as touch, hearing, time and space. The images reflect not only the living conditions and habits of human beings but also other images. This is a product of external things through sense organs and the nerve media acting in our bodies. In other words, the images are appearances of things or memories when the passive perception and the active experiences happening at the same time. Artists feel the world through their own bodies, and their feelings and artistic reaction reflect on the visual art works. Through the configuration of color and contour, texture in hybridit, the paintings will be a kind of movement that can be attached to anything in the world. The viewers can also search for clues of the movement to find the traces which inspiring their heart. In works of this study, the author hopes to use the characteristics of images - an extension of sense organs to reflect the feelings and the gap of realization from myself on the paintings. This provides viewers with another kind of visual experiences by the author’s artistic expression.影像身體感知覺經驗混搭imagesense of the bodyperceptual experienceshybridity現實的差距—影像的感覺邏輯The interval of the reality —The logic of the sense in images