葉欣誠Yeh, Shin-Cheng李雙Li, Shuang2019-09-052020-07-012019-09-052019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060546018S%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103608 聯合國於1987年在「我們共同的未來」報告書中揭櫫永續發展的定義,之後於1992年在巴西里約舉行的地球高峰會中揭示了「永續發展教育」,並於2005年開始推動永續發展教育十年。永續發展教育已成為全球高等教育不可忽視的趨勢,尤其在永續發展目標公布之後更顯重要。各大學重視永續發展教育並規劃相關課程。 本研究以文獻回顧、焦點團體研究法與德菲法,建構適用於我國大學生的核心永續能力指標系統。以四個核心永續能力為架構,涵蓋15個主指標、40個次指標。最後統整德菲法問卷分析結果與專家建議,探討各個能力與次能力的內涵與重要性,作為後續的研究方向。 The United Nations unveiled the definition of "sustainable development" in the "Our Common Future" report in 1987, and revealed "Education for Sustainable Development" (ESD) in 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio, Brazil. In 2005, it promoted the "Decade of education for sustainable development (DESD)." Sustainable development education has become a trend in global higher education, especially after the publication of sustainable development goals (SDGs). Universities pay more attention to ESD and plan related courses. Through literature reviewing, focus group interviewing and the Delphi method, the research constructs core sustainability competency indicators for college students in Taiwan. Based on four core sustainability competencies, indicators include 15 main indicators and 40 sub-indicators. Finally, the research integrates the results of the Delphi questionnaires and experts’ suggestion to explore the connotation and importance of competencies and sub-competencies.臺灣永續發展可持續發展永續發展教育核心永續能力焦點團體德菲法Taiwansustainable developmenteducation for sustainable developmentcore sustainability competencyfocus groupDelphi method建構臺灣大學生之核心永續能力Constructing the Core Sustainability Competency of College Students in Taiwan