柯皓仁Ke, Hao-Ren李佳恩Lee, Jia-En2020-10-192021-08-182020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060715015E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110183社群媒體的普及改變了人們彼此溝通與瞭解世界的方式,匿名社群媒體透過匿名特性的優勢,減輕使用者貼文時的阻力,成了部分群眾對主題發表意見的重要管道,Facebook匿名版是現今社會中受到歡迎同時也具有爭議性的匿名社群媒體之一。 本研究以圖書館匿名社群—Facebook匿名版「靠北圖書館」上的1080則貼文作為研究對象進行內容分析,以「貼文迴響」、「發文者身分揭露」、「貼文包含目的」、「抱怨對象身分揭露」、「圖書館員抱怨圖書館員對象身分揭露」、「場所揭露方式」五大觀察項目之框架進行編碼,對匿名版中的活動情形與匿名版中不同發文者的貼文目的與特性提出見解,藉此了解圖書館場域之內外部人士發文呈現在匿名版中的樣貌,進一步清晰圖書館匿名版社群中的特性並瞭解圖書館場域中正面臨到的挑戰。 根據研究結果,提出了未來對於匿名版與圖書館人力資源研究可能性的建議,期望匿名社群媒體能夠被視為組織了解各組織關係者的管道,並提醒組織的管理者應更加注意匿名社群媒體中可能顯示出的潛在危機。The popularity of social media has changed how people communicate with each other and know about the world. Some social media provide the anonymous feature to increase the willingness of users to express their opinions, and confessions pages on Facebook are one kind of them. Confessions pages on Facebook are both popular and controversial. This study analyzes 1080 posts on the Facebook confessions page "Kao-Bei Library" to explore user activities and post features. This study developed a coding scheme which includes the identities of posters, the purposes of posts, objects of complaints, the identifies of librarians who were complained by other librarians, and the ways of representing places. The result can apply to organizational management, expecting anonymous social media to be considered as a tool to understand the relationships within an organization, thus pay more attention to the potential crisis. Also, this study provides suggestions for anonymous social media studies and librarian's human resource studies.匿名社群圖書館匿名社群Facebook匿名版內容分析Anonymous social mediaLibrary anonymous social mediaFacebook confessions pageContent analysis圖書館匿名社群內容分析研究:以FACEBOOK匿名版「靠北圖書館」為例Content Analysis of Library’s Anonymous Social Media: A Case Study of Facebook Confession Page “Kao-Bei Library”