張育愷Chang, Yu-Kai鄭伊婷Cheng, Yi-Ting2023-12-082026-02-042023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/74f8bcaf508c04eb2d65a4f28071d6b1/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121434抑制控制是影響生活品質的重要成分。先前研究指出健身運動對抑制控制有正面效益,但參與動機常受到許多障礙影響。有研究發現運動期間加入虛擬實境,可以導致運動歷程產生變化,進而營造良好的運動體驗。顯現出健身運動結合虛擬實境的優勢,除了在認知功能的效益外,更有增進健身運動行為的可能性。本研究目的為探討急性虛擬實境健身運動對抑制控制之影響以及是否有其他額外的效應。本研究招募78位年輕成年人 (平均年齡: 22.78 ± 2.52歲),隨機分派至急性虛擬實境健身運動組 (acute virtual reality exercise group, AVE)、急性健身運動組 (acute exercise group, AE) 和控制組 (control group, CON)。AVE組配戴頭戴顯示器結合虛擬實境進行25分鐘的中等強度有氧健身運動;AE組則沒有配戴頭戴顯示器進行相同類型、強度和時間的運動介入。兩組運動組皆於主要運動介入前後進行5分鐘的暖身和緩和,CON組則觀賞35分鐘的運動科學影片。各組皆於介入前和後測量抑制控制 (叫色測驗) 和P3振幅。相較於CON組,AVE和AE 組在不一致情境 (抑制控制) 存在顯著較短之反應時間,而準確率皆無顯著差異。相較於CON組,AE 組有較高之P3振幅。在正向情緒分數,AVE組比起CON組有顯著較高之分數。而在自覺努力程度,AVE組比起AE組有顯著較低之分數。本研究發現急性健身運動結合虛擬實境能夠提升抑制控制的表現,且該效益和急性健身運動相似。此外,急性健身運動結合虛擬實境亦能在正向情緒上有正面效益和在相同強度的健身運動下達到自覺努力程度分數降低之效果。Inhibitory control is a critical component affecting the quality of life. Previous studies have pointed to the benefits of exercise on inhibitory control. But many barriers often compromise the motivation to participate in such activities. Some studies have found that adding virtual reality during exercise can lead to changes in the exercise process, thereby creating a good exercise experience. This shows the benefits of advancing cognitive function and the possibility of enhancing physical exercise behavior. This study investigates the effects of acute exercise combined with virtual reality on inhibitory control, and whether there are other additional effects. This study recruited 78 young adults (mean age: 22.78 ± 2.52 years old), randomly assigned to an acute virtual reality exercise group (AVE), an acute exercise group (AE), and a control group (CON). The AVE group performed 25 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise with a head-mounted display. The AE group did the same type, intensity, and duration of exercise interventions, but did not wear the display apparatus. A 5-minute warm-up and cool-down before and after the intervention was done by the two exercise groups. The CON group watched a 35-minute exercise science video. This study measured inhibitory control (via a Stroop task) and P3 amplitude, before and after the intervention, in each group. Compared with the CON group, the AVE and AE groups had significantly shorter reaction times in incongruent situations (inhibitory control), while accuracy rates were not found to show significant differences between each group. The AE group had a higher P3 amplitude compared with the CON group. The AVE group had significantly higher scores than the CON group on positive emotion scores and significantly lower scores than the AE group in the rating of perceived exertion. This study found that acute exercise combined with virtual reality can improve inhibitory control performance, with the benefits being similar to those of acute exercise. Additionally, acute exercise combined with virtual reality can enhance positive emotions and reduce the rating of perceived exertion scores, under the same intensity of exercise.認知功能叫色測驗正負向情緒量表cognitive functionStroop taskPANAS急性健身運動結合虛擬實境對抑制控制之影響:事件關聯電位研究Effects of Acute Exercise Combined with Virtual Reality on Inhibition Control: Event-related Potential Studyetd