蔡雅薰Tsai, Ya-Hsun陳怡彣Chen, Yi-Wen2023-12-082023-08-082023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/f0293fbaabdb0b414dfad808bdb0bf60/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119096本研究旨在探討如何融入SDGs主題繪本故事盒活動與華語思維教學於三種類型的探究式課程。本研究透過哈佛大學零點計畫(Project Zero)的「可見式思考」(Visible Thinking)教學法培養學習者的思考能力,選用三種思考歷程活動:「解釋遊戲」、「句-詞-字」、「顏色-符號-圖像」,引導學習者進行SDGs概念探究,同時採用瑞吉歐教育取向之鬆散素材理論,鼓勵學習者相互合作及表徵思考,以完成繪本故事盒成果發表。本研究取材以小康軒繪本館之兒童主題繪本,根據聯合國全球永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs)中的17項目標,篩選出一共6本教材。本研究結果顯示,教師應用思考歷程活動於探究式課程,對於培養學習者的觀察力、摘要力與比喻力有顯著的成效,學習者也能從活動中認識SDGs議題。繪本故事盒之成果發表可以刺激學習者口語表達與合作學習、訓練思考能力與探究具體表徵及協助新舊知識與跨領域連結,也能看出學習者語言表達力的進步。This study aims to discuss how to integrate story box activities with SDGs-themed and thinking routine strategies into three types of inquiry courses. This study applies the"Visible Thinking" teaching method in Harvard University's Project Zero, such as "The Explanation Game", "Sentence-Phrase-Word", "Color-Symbol-Image" to cultivate learners' thinking ability of SDGs. Also, the study adopts the Loose Parts Theory from Reggio Emilia Approach to encourage learners to cooperate with each other and inspire representational thinking, so as to complete the final group presentation of story box. This research is based on the children's themed picture books by Kang Hsuan Educational Publishing Groups, and selected a total of 6 books according to the 17 goals of Sustainable Development Goals by the United Nations.The result of this study shows that applying thinking routine strategies in inquiry-based courses has a significant effect on learners' observation, summarizing and metaphorical skills. Students can also get to understand the SDGs issues through the activities. The final group presentation of story box can stimulate students’ oral expression and cooperative learning, train students’ thinking abilities and concrete representations, and help learners connect the interdisciplinary knowledge.繪本故事盒探究式教學永續發展目標思考歷程活動華語教學Story BoxInquiry-based teachingSDGsThinking routine strategyCSL/CFLSDGs主題在兒童華語繪本故事盒之探究式教學Inquiry-Based Teaching in Story Box with the SDGs-Themed of Children's Mandarin Picture Booksetd