吳永猛賀安娟WU, YUNG-MENGAnn Heylen林鍵璋Lin, Chien-Chang2023-12-082022-05-222023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/6842c4a4a0f23f59d2d81402c8b75547/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119841本文主要研究臺灣法教信仰儀式文化,藉由茅山劉家教的儀式的信仰發展與融合,法教儀式中的自然崇拜與原始的祭星信仰,到人格化的星象神多重的文化建構,而建構下產生出法教的祭星科儀,透過儀式文化建構出的自然力崇拜,探討雷神信仰、法的建構,法教中有關雷的咒語,探討法教的儀式信仰,並透過相關經典建構詮釋法教儀式,以過關、訓乩、煮油儀式為主要探究。茅山派是臺灣法教系統中較少聽聞的一個派別,因此想藉由本論文對閭山派以及茅山派於桃園週邊縣市、臺中地區的活動現象有所探究與紀錄。觀察儀式以過關、訓乩、煮油為主,主要觀察對象為茅山劉家教的兩位法師。分為三大方向進行研究及資料收集。一為實地田野調查,確實記錄臺中與桃園茅山劉家教所施行之科儀法事現場實況;二為專人訪談,以茅山劉家教中林法師和黃法師為主要訪談對象,對其進行傳承之現況、師承脈絡、營務內容等有所瞭解。本文共分為九個部分。第壹章緒論,主要是釐清研究的基礎,說明如何從事研究。第貳、參章,法教的巫覡特性,並且透過天地人三才,說明臺灣法教的神明譜系。第肆章說明茅山劉家教的傳承與其儀式的法器與修行等,第伍、陸、柒章,透過法事內容與宣行的紀錄,包括儀式流程、儀式的空間等相關事物。第捌章、第玖章,分析科儀中的儀式文化,以宗教信仰文化、民俗的關係、地方聚落的內容,進一步分析法教儀式特色以及法教儀式對於社會的作用情形,總結以上結論。The paper was mainly focused on the culture and rituals of Fa Faction of Faism in Taiwan. The rituals of Liu’s Faction in Maoshan School ofFaism were merged with the nature worship and primitive star worship in the rituals of Fa Faction, and they were further developed into the multi-layered cultural construction consisting of stellar deities. We can find the nature worship under the cultural construction of rituals from observing the star worship rituals of Fa Faction. The thunder god belief, construction of Fa (witchcraft) and spells of Fa Faction related to thunder were investigated for obtaining a further understanding of the rituals and belief of Fa Faction. The Taoist classics related to the topic were used as the reference for interpretating the rituals of Fa Faction. The rituals of barrier crossing, Tang Ki training and oil boiling were the main focuses for investigation.Because Maoshan School is not so famous among the Faists of Fa Faction in Taiwan, the author would like to investigate and keep the record of the activities of the Faists of Lushan School and Maoshan School in Taoyuan City, Taichung City, and the regions around them. The rituals of barrier crossing, jitong training and oil boiling were mainly observed, and two Taoist priests of Liu’s Faction in Maoshan School ofFaism were the main subjects observed.The research and data collection conducted were composed of three parts. The first part was field research, in which the processes of the rituals performed by Taoist priests of Liu’s Faction in Maoshan School ofFaism in Taichung City and Taoyuan City were actually recorded; The second part was expert interviews, in which Priest Lin and Priest Huang of Liu’s Faction in Maoshan School ofFaism were the interviewees. A better understanding of their passing on of heritage, their masters and their operating activities was obtained.The paper consists of nine sections. In Chapter 1, the Introduction, the basics of the study are clarified, explaining how to conduct the research. In Chapter 2 and 3, the shamanic characteristics of Fa Faction are mentioned, and the ranking of gods worshipped by the Fa Faction in Taiwan is explained by using the concept of heaven, earth, and man (the Three Matters). In Chapter 4, the heritage, tools for rituals and way of practice of Liu’s Faction in Maoshan School ofFaism are described. Chapter 5, 6 and 7 contain the contents of the rituals and the records of performance, including the processes of rituals, the venue for the rituals and other related matters. In Chapter 8 and 9, the culture in rituals is analyzed. The characteristics of the rituals of the Fa Faction and the effects of the rituals on the society are further analyzed from the perspectives of religious belief, culture, folklore, and rural settlement.乩巫覡生死制度性宗教擴散性宗教spirit mediumsenchanterLife and deathinstitutional religiondiffused religion臺灣法教儀式文化之研究–以過關、訓乩、煮油為例Research on Faism Ritual Culture in Taiwan: TakingCrossing the Barriers,Tang Ki Training, and Purificationof boiling oil as Examplesetd