洪逸柔Hung,Yi-jo2016-05-102016-05-102015-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/78724明代毛晉匯編的傳奇選集《六十種曲》,歷來多視之為場上演出之臺本。筆者重新檢視其觀點,探討諸家說法是否成立,並試著從《六十種曲》的編選理念與劇本體製出發,以釐清此套傳奇總集的屬性問題。從汲古閣的出版傾向與《六十種曲》的選劇、弁語來看,毛晉編刻《六十種曲》最初是為教化人心,彰顯儒家綱常,其後續出《繡刻演劇》亦是從文學價值上著眼,但也兼及場上流行劇目;而毛晉交遊對象也多是文人、學者而非戲班、演員,可知其刊刻劇作的主要來源當以文人墨本為主。從汲古閣本《荊釵記》、《香囊記》與文人評本、崑劇臺本的比對則可看出,汲古閣本在體製齣目、情節關目與曲白科介等方面都較接近文學本,但部分齣目或曲牌結構亦能為戲場接受。由此觀之,《六十種曲》或許更貼近寄託了文人編選意識的墨本,首要考量劇作的閱讀與文學價值,但亦兼及其場上演出的可行性。”The sixty legends” collected by Mao Jin was often though as script. Author has review those statement were partial to the legend, not the whole. This thesis provides a view point from the collect-concept and type of legend to judge those statements true or not, also clarify the attribute of “The sixty legends”. According to the publish concept of Mao Jin and Ji-Gu-GE, they focus on a full version of legend and proclaimed Confucianism Culture. Since most people who has relationship with Mao Jin was poem and scholar not actors, also we can perceived the collection-concept from six prefaces. Author perceive the difference between Ji-Gu-GE, scripts and other perusable editions in “Siang-Nang-Ji”, find that Ji-Gu-GE is more similar to scripts from catalog, contents and lines. According those reasons, “The sixty legends” is more close to script not perusable edition.六十種曲毛晉汲古閣臺本墨本香囊記荊釵記折子戲“The sixty legends”Mao Jinscriptperusable edition“Siang-Nang-Ji”《六十種曲》臺本或墨本屬性考辨──以《荊釵記》、《香囊記》為例“The sixty legends” is the script or perusable edition?