王曉嵐Wang, Hsiao-Lan郭盈蓁Kuo, Ying-Chen2023-12-082022-09-222023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/ca3ed5667a914ca034f8fc4c0cd37d38/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119648本專業實務報告旨在設計出一套適用於國小教育階段集中式特教班智能障礙學生之性別平等教育課程,並以「尊重你我,機警如我」為此套性別平等教育課程之主題。課程內容以一百零八學年度開始施行之十二年國民基本教育中,在性別平等教育議題內國民小學階段的兩個學習主題「身體主權的尊重與維護」與「性騷擾、性侵害與性霸凌的防治」為主要設計之依據,以建立智能障礙學生對身體隱私與主權的概念,以及性騷擾與性侵害之防治與處遇。本課程先於不分類資源班進行試教,以進行課程內容初步之檢視,並於修改後由集中式特教班智能障礙學生參與試用,再依據同儕教師之反饋與課程中學生學習表現,進行課程最後之調整。  研發成果:一套適用於國小教育階段集中式特教班智能障礙學生之性別平等教育課程,共由五個主題與底下的十三個單元組成,五個主題分別依序為「認識身體及發展」、「身體界限」、「性別互動」、「預防危險」及「危險的處遇」,採直接教學模式與多媒體輔助教學形式進行,搭配電腦投影片、教學示範影片、教材圖片與照片等,每堂課四十分鐘的教學時間,以活動多且各活動時間短的方式安排教學活動,並搭配大量複習與反覆練習,課程包含教案、教材,以及學習單。有別於現有相關教材之教學對象多數以輕度智能障礙學生為主,本課程則以中重度智能障礙學生為教學對象,規劃出適用於國小教育階段中重度智能障礙學生在身體主權和自我保護之教學範圍與教學內容,以提供有需求之現場特殊教育教師使用。The aim of this professional practice report is to design a gender equity education curriculum focusing on a topic –"We respect each other, and we are self-cautious as well", for elementary students with intellectual disabilities in self-contained classrooms.   The curriculum contents are based on the designs of 12-year Basic Education implemented in September 2019 for gender equity education in national elementary school, which are "Respect and Maintenance of Body Sovereignty" and "Prevention and Treatment of Sexual Harassment, Abuse and Bullying", to help students with intellectual disabilities build concepts of "Body Privacy and Sovereignty" to know how to defend themselves against any sexually-related assault.   The curriculum will be first on trial teaching in resource classroom in assessment of its preliminary contents. After further revision, the curriculum will be attended by students with intellectual disabilities in self-contained classrooms. The final adjustment of curriculum will be based on feedbacks from peer teachers and performances of students in practice.   Research result: a gender equity education curriculum designed for elementary students with intellectual disabilities in self-contained classrooms, of which consists of 5 themes and 13 subunits. The 5 themes are,"Recognition and development of the body", "Boundary of the body", "Gender interactions”, "Prevention of dangers", and "Treatments for dangers", in order. The course will be practiced by form of direct teaching and form of media-assisted teaching, along with using computer slides, teaching demonstration videos, illustrations and photography. Teaching time of each course will be around 40 minutes. The arrangement of teachings will have various activities with short-term periods of each, and willhave lots of reviews and repeated practices, including lesson plans, materials, and worksheets.  Distinct from most teaching materials applying to students with mild intellectual disabilities, the curriculum in this thesis targets students with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities, and it provides teaching scope and content of body sovereignty and self-protection suitable for students in elementary school, which can be utilized by on-site special education teachers in need.性別平等教育課程中重度智能障礙集中式特教班gender equity education curriculummoderate to severe intellectual disabilityself-contained classrooms國小教育階段集中式特教班智能障礙學生性別平等教育課程設計Gender Equity Education Curriculum for Elementary Students with Intellectual Disabilities in Self-contained Classroomsreport_pro