顏志龍李隆盛Chih-Long YenLung-Sheng Lee高慧鈴Huey-Ling Kao2019-08-282007-2-72019-08-282007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693740023%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/84933過去的文獻普遍支持以下推論:應徵者對組織的客觀適配知覺會影響其對組織的主觀適配知覺,進而影響其被該組織吸引的程度.此外,應徵者的保持一致性的需求為造成此推論的潛在可能原因.然而,過去的研究多半使用相關法進行研究,因此,以上推論所隱涵的因果關係並未被證明.根據文獻,本研究提出另一種可能的推論關係:應徵者乃先被組織吸引,方才形成對其對組織的主觀適配知覺,而客觀適配知覺則調節以上變項間的關係.最後,本研究亦檢驗一致性知覺的調節效果.本研究採用實驗法,設計一間虛擬組織,操弄其組織吸引力,以檢驗不同組織吸引力對應徵者主觀適配知覺的影響.研究結果發現,應徵者面對高組織吸引力的組織時,其主觀適配知覺程度為高,且不受客觀適配程度的影響.此外,一致性知覺亦不具有調節效果.此外,本研究亦蒐集跨時點資料,支持以上研究結果的穩定性,同時,亦探討變項間互為因果的可能性.相關的研究發現與應用,請參考本研究.In the organization attraction literature, it is widely supported that objective person-organization fit (P-O fit) influences the subjective P-O fit, which, in turn, influences the organization attraction. However, the past research is not conducted in the experimental setting. Thus, the casual relation is precarious. In the present study, it is expected that organization attraction influences the subjective P-O fit, not the opposite. Besides, an experimental design is used to affirm the causal effect of the organization attraction on subjective P-O fit, which is ignored in the literature. In addition, the present study examined the mediating effects of subjective P-O fit on the relationship between organization attraction and intention to apply to a job. At last, the moderating effect of objective P-O fit and preference for consistency on the relationship between organization attraction and subjective P-O fit was examined. 83 soon-to-graduate students were invited to participate in the study. Participants were randomly assigned to read information of hypothetical company which was either low or high in organization attraction, and then completed the questionnaires. After two weeks, 60 of the 83 subjects completed another questionnaire of subjective fit and organization attraction, without reading any information. The results indicate that the organization attraction influences the participants’ subjective P-O fit (both Time1 and Time2). However, the moderating effects of both objective P-O fit and preference for consistency (PFC) are not significant. Finally, subjective P-O fit partially mediated the relationship between organization attraction and application intention (both Time1 and Time2). The implications of research findings are discussed.組織吸引力主觀適配客觀一致性知覺organization attractionsubjective P-O fitobjective P-O fitpreference for consistency組織吸引力對應徵者主觀適配知覺的影響The Effect of Organization Attraction on Subjective P-O Fit:The Moderating Effect of Objective P-O Fit and Preference for Consistency