劉湘瑤張永昌2019-09-052016-7-262019-09-052013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0599452112%22.&%22.id.&amp;http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/104611面對十二年國教即將實施,培養學生具備足夠的科學素養,成為高中物理教學的重要目標。本研究針對高三物理熱學與光學兩個章節,透過準實驗研究的方式,將研究者任教的兩個班級分別採用科學史教學(43人)與一般教學(38人)的形式,探討不同教學模式對於學生在科學本質觀點及學習成就的影響。 透過研究工具「了解科學本質量表」進行相依樣本t考驗分析得知,相較於一般教學,學生的科學本質觀點在科學史教學後,有顯著的提升(t = 3.081,p< .05),且原持有科學本質觀點較接近傳統觀的學生,提升的程度最為明顯;透過ANCOVA分析學生在傳統期中考試題的表現得知,成績原本較差的科學史教學組學生在科學史教學後與一般教學組學生的成績差距逐漸拉近,因此,長時間的科學史教學對於學生學習是有助益的;經科學史教學後,學生在PISA類型試題的表現優於傳統期中考試題,此結果可做為後續相關研究選擇學習評量工具的參考。 雖然大多數(92.3%)學生對於將科學史融入高中物理教學抱持正面與肯定的態度,但是,部分(20.5%)學生認為回答科學史教學活動所安排的科學本質問題是有困難的,此外,超過一半 (61.5%)的學生,在即將面對升學考試的壓力下,認為科學史教學比較適合安排在高一課程,上述學生對科學史教學的反應,以及研究者最後依據研究結論提出幾項建議,可做為後續教學與相關研究參考。In order to adapt to the twelve-year compulsory education to be implemented, to equip students with sufficient science literacy has become one of the important goals in physics education of high school. This research used quasi-experimental design to explore the impacts of adopting two different pedagogical approaches on two classes respectively. By means of teaching physics along with science history (N=43) or with normal lecture teaching (N=38) in two classes, the influence of these two methods on students' views of nature of science and their academic achievement was investigated within thermal and optical units in high school physics curriculum. The t-test analysis was conducted to analyze the data from the research tool "Understanding the Nature of Science Scale", the results showed that the students (t = 3.081; p< .05), who received the method of science history teaching, significantly improved their views on the nature of science. In addition, the positive effect was most significant among the students who initially hold traditional views on the nature of science. By comparing with students’ performance on traditional midterm examination, the one-way ANCOVA analysis showed that the score difference between two classes gradually decreased. This result indicates that science history teaching, with sufficient time, is helpful to students' learning. The students, who received the method of science history teaching, get better performance in the PISA test than that in traditional midterm test. This result can be used as reference to select assessment tools for follow-up studies. Although most of the students (92.3%) hold optimistic and positive attitudes toward the integration of history of science into physics instruction in high school, some of the students (20.5%) considered that answering the open-ended questions about the nature of science in worksheets was difficult. Furthermore, under the pressure of entrance exam, over half (61.5%) students considered that it is more suitable to arrange the history of science teaching in the 10th-grade physics curriculum. These responses and some recommendations can be used for future research.科學本質科學史教學物理nature of scienceteaching history of sciencephysics科學史融入高中物理熱學與光學之教學研究