林磐聳陳清文2020-12-102003-6-302020-12-102003http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%2291NTNU1233040%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114265台灣的經濟快速變遷發展,但整體的都市景觀、商圈環境和先進 國家相比,則呈相對落後、盡顯髒、亂、擠、醜和失序。經濟部自民 國八十四、八十五年度起陸續推動「塑造形象商圈計畫」、「商店街 開發計畫」、「商業環境視覺設計」, 並自八十八年度起以五年時間 投入六億三千萬, 推動由點、線、擴大為面的改善商業環境機制。此 外內政部亦於八十八年度「擴大國內需求方案—創造城鄉新風貌計畫」 中,亦編列新台幣五十億補助地方政府推動改善當地環境。 政府投入可觀經費, 單就商業司輔導架構下的形象商圈在全國也 已有7 6 處。然而形象商圈的形象識別、環境視覺改善距理想目標或 歐、美、日等先進國家相比, 實乃呈美學提升有限狀態,形象商圈在 政策阻力或執行缺失改善為何, 至今從未邀請過形象及環境視覺設計 專家、團體, 公開檢討過,而其委託執行單位的執行成效, 亦應可受 公評檢視, 使形象商圈未來更具有競爭力。 本研究透過相關文獻檢索、國內外案例比較分析及以形象商圈實 務規劃案例求證, 探討形象商圈的形象策略及視覺識別設計之應用現 況與建議。 研究成果如下: 一、形象商圈的定義、源流發展、類型、推動內容、步驟、預期效益、 執行輔導結果。 二、形象商圈的形象識別再定義、基本要素、應用系統、環境視覺設 計的關係性。 三、國內外形象商圈案例介紹及優質形象塑造的關鍵因子分析。 四、視覺形象策略及識別設計在實務規劃案例的實施流程、方法、創 作表現及檢討。 五、形象商圈必須要有策略導向的識別定位及命名。 六、形象商圈的識別設計和環境視覺設計應為一體性整合架構。 七、廣告物美化政策應取締違法, 個案輔導並進調整 八、形象商圈應強化社區營造愛家園意識與實踐維護機制。 九、商業司在推動形象商圈景觀改善、形象塑造、形象推廣, 應整合 為垂直式經營,而非橫向連結。The economy in Taiwan changes and develops rapidly, but the entire city landscape and the environment of business circles are relatively backward comparing with those of the advanced countries, namely, dirty, crowded, ugly, and disordered. Ministry of Economic Affairs had given impetus to "Project of molding the image bazaar," "Project of developing the shopping streets," and "Business environment visual design" in 1995, and 1996 in succession, and has invested NTD 630,000,000 to improve the business environment mechanism magnifying from the point and the line to be the surface in the term of 5 years from 1999. Besides, in "Project of enlarging the domestic demands-a plan of creating new looks of towns and countries" in 1999, Ministry of the Interior budgeted NTD 5,000,000,000 for subsidizing the local governments to push the work of improving the local environment forward. The Government has invested considerable funds, and there are already seventy-six image bazaars guided and assisted by Department of Commerce. However, comparing with the advanced countries such as Europe, the USA, and Japan, and so forth, in Taiwan a business bazaar's image identification and improvement of visual environment actually manifest the status of limited promotion on esthetics, which is still distant from the ideal target. For a business bazaar, about the policy obstruction or how to improve the defects of execution, the Government has never invited the specialists or groups of image and environment visual design to discuss and criticize in public yet up to now. I am of the opinion that the effects of the consigned executive units shall be examined and criticized by the public in order to make business bazaars more competitive in the future. In this research, I sought to prove the facts through the exploration of relevant literature, the comparisons and analyzes of cases domestically and overseas, and the practical planning cases of image bazaars to probe into the image strategies of image bazaars, and the present conditions of visual identification design on application, and to make suggestions.形象商圈形象視覺形象策略視覺識別設計Image Bussiness CilcleImageVisual Image StrategyVisual Identity Design台灣形象商圈的形象策略及視覺識別設計之研究