黃俊堯吳明穎Wu, Ming-Ying2019-09-062020-08-292019-09-062019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0006594127%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108897面對變化快速的數位時代,數位新趨勢及新工具改變世界,也改變了行銷的方式。 企業經營者面臨數位的變局與挑戰,需先釐清與認知公司的行銷策略,再運用正確的數位工具,數位工具才能成為企業成長與維護顧客關係的加速器。簡言之,「策略對了,才能使用工具」。本研究以「安提阿設計」為個案研究對象,探討個案公司所提出的室內設計新商業模式之可能性及數位行銷的應用,經本研究診斷之結果可供此產業經營者深思與評估,並在現階段與未來規劃及轉型上能有所幫助。The environment in digital age has been changing rapidly, new digital trends and tools make great impact in the world, and so marking the most substantial shift in the way of marketing. Business owners now face more changes and challenges arising from digital transformation, and therefore it is crucial to find out how digital marketing can help a business grow. This research takes「Antio Design」as a case study to explore the possibility of new digital marketing applications and the business models for interior design proposed in the case study. The result of this research raised some issues and provided in-depth valuation for business owners’ further consideration, hoping to be a great help on business planning in the industry of interior design across various stages as well as business transformation in the future.室內設計數位環境演變數位行銷企業轉型商業模式Interior DesignDigital EvolutionDigital MarketingBusiness TransformationBusiness Model數位時代中室內設計業轉型之研究:以安提阿設計公司為例A Research on The Transformation of Interior Design in Degital Age : the Example of Antio Design