柯皓仁Ke, Hao-Ren陳建中Chen, Chien-Chung2022-06-082021-10-222022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/8a71c793a6eb13be0b2be93dd08f67d3/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118299本研究探討臺北市立圖書館館員健康資訊服務之現況。圖書館館員的工作是滿足讀者資訊需求,然而在臺北市立圖書館參考服務政策下,館員不得直接提供讀者醫藥相關資訊,致使讀者健康資訊需求無法得到滿足。本研究運用質性研究法,訪談臺北市立圖書館16位館員,整合相關文獻、訪談結果及研究者反思,以釐清館員、讀者與圖書館間,對於健康資訊服務供給、需求與政策間存在的矛盾關係,尋求解決方法,給予本研究結論與建議。本研究問題包括:(一)臺北市立圖書館各分館在不同的經營政策下,館員提供的健康資訊服務有何不同?(二)有健康資訊需求讀者之健康主題為何?其特質為何?(三)館員提供健康資訊服務時,應注意哪些專業行為、道德責任與法律責任?(四)館員使用健康資訊資源偏好為何?(五)館員提供健康資訊服務時遭遇哪些障礙?(六)館員健康資訊服務專業訓練現況為何?本研究結論為:(一)臺北市立圖書館各分館在不同的經營政策下,館員提供的健康資訊服務類型呈現多樣化;(二)健康資訊服務對象以老年人為主,需求主題多為疾病名稱且偏好少量、容易理解的健康資訊;(三)館員提供健康資訊服務時,應瞭解並遵守健康資訊服務專業倫理;(四)館員使用健康資訊資源,以最便利使用的資訊為主;(五)讀者並不要求艱深的健康資訊,故館員有能力滿足需求;(六)館員健康資訊服務專業訓練意願不高,但應加強實務訓練。最後提出研究建議:(一)建議館員參加健康資訊訓練或進修圖書資訊學系健康資訊課程;(二)建議臺北市立圖書館放寬健康參考服務政策;(三)建議國家圖書館研定「圖書館員健康資訊服務專業倫理守則」。This study explores health information services of the Taipei public Library. Librarians should satisfy readers’ information needs. However, the Taipei public Library prohibits librarians from to providing medical information. By interviewing sixteen Taipei public librarians and by reviewing past research, this study aims to point out the obstacles that prohibit librarians from providing health information services and to provide librarian policy suggestions.The research questions of this study are as follow: (1) What is the difference of librarian health information service in different branch libraries of Taipei Public Library with diverse management policies? (2) What kinds of readers demand health information services and what kind of health information do thay want? (3) What professional ethics, moral and legal responsibilities should librarians observe when providing health information services? (4) What are librarians’ preferences in using health information resources? (5) What obstacles do librarians encounter in providing health information services? (6) What is the status quo of librarians’ health information service training?This study concludes that: (1) Depending on their diverse management policies, branch libraries of Taipei Public Library provide versatile health information services; (2) Most health information services are demanded by the elderly readers, and they generally need simple and straightforward information on the name of their disease; (3)Librarians should understand and abide by the professional ethics of health information service; (4) Librarians prefer easily accessible health information resources; (5) Readers do not need difficult health information, so librarians are able to fulfill their demand; (6) While librarians are not very eager for professional training in health information service, such training should be necessary.This study also suggests that (1) Health information service training should be provided to librarians and to university students in relevant departments; (2) Public libraries should relax the ban on providing health information services; (3) The National Central Library should develop a code of professional Ethics for health information services.公共圖書館公共圖書館館員健康資訊服務專業倫理圖書館館員專業倫理public librarypublic librarianhealth information serviceprofessional ethicslibrarians’professional ethics臺北市立圖書館館員健康資訊服務研究A Study on Health Information Services Provided by Librarians of Taipei Public Library學術論文