國立臺灣師範大學教育學系甄曉蘭周立勳2014-12-022014-12-022001-06-011029-0192http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/38583本研究旨在探討國小教師的自然科學教學信念現況,分析自然科學教學信念有關之教師背景與教學實務因素,以做為協助國小教師改進自然科學教學之基礎。研究者根據訪談10位國小自然科學教師結果,自編「國小自然科學教學信念問卷」並針對臺灣中部地區雲林縣與嘉義縣市八十七學年度擔任自然科學教學教師,以分層隨機取樣方式抽取500人為樣本進行調查。調查資料經以因素分析、變異數分析以及典型相關等統計方法處理,結果發現:目前國小教師自然科教學信念較傾向知識變異與主動探究的知識觀,強調問題解決,重視教學準備、發表啟發以及多元評量;教學信念較可能因教師年齡、任教自然科年資以及學歷背景的不同而有差異;在教學實務上,教師的教學信念明顯與其採取「以學科知識為主」抑或「以學生學習為主」的教學策略有關。The purpose of this study was to examine the elementary school teachers' beliefs of science teaching. Based on analyzing teacher' background variables and factors of teaching practice, the results may provide elementary school teachers implications for the improvement of science teaching. Drawn from the interview results of 10 elementary, science teachers, the researchers developed a "'Teachers' Beliefs of Science Teaching Questionnaire" to conduct this survey study. Applying "proportionate stratified random sampling" techniques, this study investigated 500 samples of elementary school teachers teaching science in 1998 school year in Chiayi-.Yurnlin area located in central Taiwan. Then, factor analysis, canonical correlation analysis and ANOVA statistics methods were used for proceeding survey data analysis. The results show that most elementary school teachers' beliefs of science teaching tend to favor the epistemology that reflects constant change of knowledge, active inquiry', emphasize problem-solving, place importance on teaching preparation, elicitation of student performance and alternative assessment. There may be differences of teaching beliefs due to the differences among variables of age, experience in teaching science, and education background. In teaching practice, teachers' teaching beliefs are significantly correlated to their "content-knowledge-based" or "student-learning-oriented" teaching strategies.自然科教學信念  建構論  教學實踐Teachers' beliefs of science teaching�onstructivism�eaching practice國小教師自然科學教學信念之調查