曾元顯Yuen-Hsien Tseng蔡雅琳YA-LIN TSAI2019-08-282013-8-272019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697150161%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89283學術文獻可說是傳播學術最重要的正式管道,也是催生新知、讓知識不斷進 步突破的基礎。運用書目計量研究法來掌握學術的生產成果,優點是可以避免涉 及個人主觀價值的判斷、了解學科發展現況、評鑑學術研究表現、有客觀直覺的 優點。國際上運用 SCI、SSCI 等索引資料庫評估自然科學學科的學術生產力時間 已久,在客觀性與正確性已取得共識,但在評估人文學科方面尚留有不少爭議。 因為人文學科研究與自然學科的學科特性有諸多不同。 本研究為求臺灣地區的歷史學者們的學術成果,及他們在引用行為上有何特 殊性,自國科會人才資料庫蒐集了 262 位臺灣地區位歷史學者在 2001 年至 2010 年間,共 3466 筆的學術著作書目,再以檢索出的臺灣歷史學者名單檢索 THCI 索引資料庫,下載 1015 篇論文的期刊論文,蒐集了 51577 筆引用書目。這些書 目經過分類及正規化後,進行統計分析與及運用 CATAR 軟體做書目對分析。 研究結果發現:臺灣歷史學者最常使用的語言是中文;臺灣歷史學者的著作 類型以期刊論文最多;老舊的外文圖書對歷史學者來說有保存價值;臺灣歷史學 者引用最多的是史料;近年成長速度最快的引用書目是中文的非史料的文獻;臺 灣歷史學界的三大研究主題是臺灣史、元明清史、中國近現代史。 最後提出的建議為:對歷史學的引用書目研究,應進一步加強專書的引用書目 研究,與歷史學家引用史料的研究;人文學科中應區分研究領域作小範圍深入的 分析;加強人文學科引文資料庫的品質;CATAR 軟體可應用於加強圖書館館藏 政策。Scholarly literature is the most important and formal way to disseminate academic results and is the foundation to gave birth to new knowledge so that knowledge can advance continuously. The use of bibliometric research method to evaluate the production of academic achievement has the advantage of being objective and being able to avoid subjective judgments. The use of SCI, SSCI or other citation indexing database to assessing nature science’s academic productivity has been conducted for a long time and reached a consensus for its objectivity. However, the assessment of humanities still left a lot of controversy, because natural sciences and humanities research have many different characteristics. To explore the research results of Taiwanese historians and the characteristics of their citing behavior, this study collected 3466 records of bibliographies from 358 Taiwanese historians between 2001 and 2010, and downloaded their 1015 journal papers from THCI index database, which yielded a total of 51,577 records of bibliographic references. These bibliographic data were then analyzed and classified by bibliographic coupling method implemented in CATAR, a scientometric analysis tool freely available in the Web. The results showed that Taiwanese historians’ most usually used language is Chinese. Taiwanese historians publish periodical journal articles most. Old foreign books have value for archival as for Taiwanese historians tend to browse, selected, and then cite these materials in a routine way. The fastest growing cited data are those non- historical literature written in Chinese. Three most studied disciplines of history in Taiwan are: v the history of Taiwan, the history of Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties, and modern Chinese history. Finally, our suggestions are: 1) the citation behavior in monographs should be studied further, although it is relatively difficult. 2) The historical material cited in journal papers and monographs should be explored to illustrate their quantitative value in historical studies. 3) Citation study in history, and in a more general sense in humanities, should focus on the topic level, instead of only discipline level. 4) The quality of humanities citation database should be improved for reliable and effective analysis. 5) CATAR, the freeware, can be applied to enhance a library’s collection policy.書目計量書目對人文學科歷史學引文分析學術評鑑臺灣人文學引文索引BibliometricsBibiometric-couplingHumanityHistoryCitation AnalyzeResearch EvaluationTHCI臺灣歷史學者研究成果與引文分析Research results of Taiwanese historians and Citation Analysis