國立臺灣師範大學工業教育學系徐昊杲馮丹白林炎旦鄧敦平2014-10-302014-10-302011-07-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/35160本計畫旨在編製節能減碳實作體驗課程教材、研發可操作式再生能源教學教具/實驗 模組,並且將所研發之教材及教具數位化,彙整入節能減碳教育網,完成兼具實物與虛 擬並存的教學材料,讓學習者可以線上學習、線上組裝教具,並藉由動手組裝過程瞭解 不同影響因素所呈現的結果。本計畫也將辦理師資培訓營,培訓大專院校學生成為能源 種子教師。接著再由研究團隊帶領所培訓的能源種子教師,一起規劃、辦理給國小學生 參加的節能減碳實作體驗營,以提高國小學生之節能減碳素養,並建立能源相關基礎概 念與能源科技知識。最後,藉由節能減碳教育網與實體教學之結合,加強訊息交流與知 識分享,用來彌補實體教學之不足。 為達成研究目的並增進對研究主題的認識,本研究先針對能源教育相關研究的文獻 加以探討,具體瞭解其內涵,以作為發展教材及教具的基礎,透過專家會議進行確認與 修正,接著藉由師資培訓營與國小學生體驗營進行課程教學,並利用問卷調查法,以平 均數、標準差、單一樣本t 考驗、相依樣本t 考驗及單因子變異數分析來檢視課程實施 之成效。最後,藉由節能減碳教育網與實體教學之結合,加強訊息交流與知識分享,用 來彌補實體教學之不足。The purpose of this study is to develop course teaching materials and teaching aids for education on renewable energy, and then transform the results of research and development into digital media teaching materials. These materials will compile into the energy saving and carbon reduction online learning website for use in “teacher training camps” and “elementary students experience camps”, fostering college students to be cadre teachers, and of advancing elementary students to have energy saving concepts and recycling knowledge that would upgrade their accomplishments in the field of energy. The learning website and traditional teaching combined to make up for lack of physical teaching for energy saving and carbon reduction. To achieve this purpose, first of all, this study will analyze related references that develop the index of energy saving and carbon reduction operating and experience course. Lastly, experts meeting will consult to review and modify the teaching materials. Results of a questionnaire survey is also utilizes to evaluate and complete the material for the energy saving and carbon reduction experiential course program.節能減碳能源教育實作體驗課程energy saving and carbon reductionenergy educationexperiential course單一整合型計畫-建構節能減碳實作體驗課程研究( I )