陳美燕Chen, Mei-Yen展韻Chan, Yun2024-12-172024-07-042024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/71f99d71dde9da5c6874fce697bc96e1/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/123802共品牌商品是品牌延伸中的一種形式,透過結合或轉移兩個或以上不同品牌,創造出獨特的產品或服務。LVMH集團除了是2024巴黎夏季奧運的主要贊助商外,集團所屬的31項不同品牌的產品將會協助賽事的籌辦工作。本研究目的在於瞭解消費者對運動賽事與精品共品牌契合度與購買意願之關係。除了探究消費者的人口統計變項與行為特徵、消費者辨識出LVMH集團品牌之程度外,並分析不同特性消費者在運動賽事與精品共品牌商品購買意願之差異性、運動賽事和精品共品牌契合度、購買意願之相關性和解釋力。研究方法採立意抽樣,研究對象為購買過LVMH集團商品之消費者,利用SurveyCake 表單進行問卷設計,並生成QRcode供研究對象填答,於臺北市信義區百貨公司精品區現場進行電子問卷調查。研究結果發現,消費者對運動賽事和精品共品牌契合度、購買意願介於普通到滿意之間,且共品牌契合度與共品牌購買意願之間具有顯著正相關和解釋力。因此,本研究建議企業可以透過公共關係活動宣揚公司理念和運動賽事的結合,並且藉此提升品牌知名度及品牌聯想,也可以借助社群媒體平台,積極宣傳其與巴黎奧運的合作,分享賽事資訊、品牌故事和背景,吸引更多參與者。Co-branding products are a form of brand extension that creates unique products or services by combining or transferring two or more different brands. In addition to being the main sponsor of the 2024 Paris Summer Olympics, the LVMH Group's products from its 31 different brands will assist in the organization of the event. This study aims to understand consumers' perceived fit between sports events and luxury Co-branding products and their purchase intentions. In addition to exploring consumers' demographic variables and behavioral characteristics, as well as their recognition of LVMH Group brands, the study analyzes the differences in purchase intentions for sports events and luxury Co-branding products among consumers with different characteristics, the correlation between the fit of sports events and luxury Co-branding products, and purchase intentions, and their explanatory power. The research method adoptspurposive sampling, targeting consumers who have purchased LVMH Group products. A questionnaire was designed using SurveyCake and a QR code was generated for respondents to fill out. An electronic survey was conducted on-site at the luxury goods section of a department store in the Xinyi District of Taipei City, resulting in 185 valid responses. The research findings indicate that consumers' perceived fit between sports events and luxury Co-branding products and their purchase intentions range from ordinary to satisfactory, and there is a positive correlation and significant explanatory power between the fit of Co-branding products and purchase intentions. Therefore, this study suggests that companies can enhance brand awareness and brand associations by promoting their corporate philosophy and the integration of sports events through public relations activities. Additionally, leveraging social media platforms to actively promote their collaboration with the Paris Olympics, sharing event information, brand stories, and backgrounds can attract more participants.運動行銷2024巴黎奧林匹克運動會品牌聯想品牌個性Sports marketing2024 Summer Olympicsbrand associationbrand personality消費者對運動賽事與精品共品牌契合度、購買意願之研究Study of the Consumers’ Brand Fit Perception and Purchase Intention for the Co-branding Product of Luxury Fashion and Sport Event學術論文