林淑莉2014-10-272014-10-272007-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/16402本文目的主要是從擴大溝通的觀點,探討如何有效地幫助使用輔助溝通系統之學生融入融合環境中。為此,本文首先從與輔助溝通系統有關的基本概念及目前的使用概況先加以介紹。其次,從七個向度探討如何為學生設計最符合需求的輔助溝通系統:一、透過輔助溝通系統專業團隊共同合作,二、進行全面性個體因素評估與需求考量,三、選擇適當的控制介面,四、設計符合需求的圖面,五、選擇符合能力的語彙,六、進行使用技能與有效策略的訓練,以及七、進行定期追蹤、評估與輔導等。接著,再針對學生在融合教育環境中所可能遭遇的阻礙加以探究。最後,更針對幫助使用輔助溝通系統之學生,融入融合環境中之應注意事項及可用策略提出建議。The purpose of this article was to discuss how to effectively help students use the Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) system in inclusive environments. The perspective was that of augmented communication. This article first described the concepts and present state of the AAC system. Second, 7 dimensions were provided to explore how to design an AAC system that best meets students' needs: (I) collaborating through professional teamwork, (2) executing a comprehensive assessment and needs evaluation, (3) selecting proper interfaces for the AAC users, (4) designing various layouts that fit in with the AAC users' needs, (5) selecting vocabularies that fit in with the AAC users' abilities, (6) providing effective training of skill and strategy to the AAC users and their communicative partners, and (7) executing regular follow-up surveys, evaluations, and coaches. Third, the barriers that communication-disabled students might have were discussed. Finally, some principles and strategies were suggested for helping students apply their individualized AAC systems in inclusive environments.輔助溝通系統擴大及替代溝通溝通障礙Augmentative and alternative communicationAACCommunication impairments如何幫助使用輔助溝通系統之學生融入融合環境中?How to Effectively Help Students Use the Augmentative and Alternative Communication System in Inclusive Environments?