官英華Guan, Ying-Hua安蒜美保Ambiru, Miho2023-12-082023-02-072023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/7be0d71979dcda735e55d19688726a69/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119002本研究探討日本高中基礎程度的華語學習者在華語寫作時,常出現的詞彙偏誤以及產生偏誤的成因,進而提出讓他們減少這些偏誤,並更有效地學習華語的教學建議。研究的範疇主要鎖定在日本學生常容易混淆的五個華語詞彙:「變」、「變得」、「變成」、「成為」、「當」。筆者首先在60位日本高中華語學習者撰寫的73篇文章中得出了174筆屬於前述五個易混淆詞的偏誤語料,並分別進行了詳細的偏誤分析。再對照他們過去所使用的教材,分析所有學生的選詞情形,發現「當」在本次語料裡出現得最多,「變得」的出現筆數最少。而整體來說「變」是學生最容易誤用的動詞,但各詞混用的情形其實相當多樣。 為了探討形成偏誤的成因,筆者參考了各詞彙在辭典、語法書和中文詞彙網絡系統中的定義以及各詞在中文語料庫裡的搭配詞與近義詞之剖析,針對五個易混淆詞進行了義素分析,並對比日語相應意義的詞,推測日本基礎華語學習者容易在這些詞彙產生混淆的原因,可能是由(1)母語的負遷移、(2)詞與詞之間的相似性、(3)交際策略、(4)教材、教學影響而造成的。進一步為了提出有實證依據的教學建議,筆者特別針對這五個易混淆詞設計了教材並對41位日本高中生進行了教學實驗。實驗結果顯示筆者所提出的教學策略多數能有助於日本學生掌握各詞的用法。如果華語教師能在各詞常用的語境或搭配詞上多花一些功夫進行教學,相信會對學生的學習有很大的幫助。期盼此研究能提供對日華語教學的教師們參考,並能應用在實際教學上,以減少學生們在這些易混淆詞上的偏誤。This research examines the common vocabulary errors and the causes of these errors in the writing of Japanese high school learners of Mandarin Chi-nese, and proposes teaching suggestions to help them reduce these errors and learn Mandarin more effectively. The study mainly focused on five easily con-fused Chinese words for Japanese students:"biàn", "biàn de", "biàn chéng", "chéng wéi", "dāng". Firstly, an error-corpus consisting of 174 errors of the five confused words was set up from 73 essays written by 60 Japanese high school learners of Chinese. The students' erroneous word choices were ana-lyzed in detail against the textbooks they used in the past. It was found that " dāng" appeared most frequently in this corpus, while " biàn de " appeared the least. In general, "biàn" was the verb most likely to be misused by students, butthere were actually quite a variety of misuse among the five words.To investigate the causes of the errors, I looked up the definitions of each word in Chinese dictionaries, grammar books, and Chinese Wordnet system, analyzed the collocations and synonyms of each word in the Chinese corpora, and then conducted semantic feature analysis and found the Japanese equiva-lence for each word. It is speculated that learners are prone to confusion, which may be caused by (1) negative transfer of mother tongue, (2) similarity among the words, (3) communication strategies, and (4) teaching materials and strate-gies. To provide evidence-based teaching suggestions, I designed teaching ma-terials for the five confused words and conducted a teaching experiment with 41 Japanese high school students. The results showed that most of the pro-posed teaching strategies helped Japanese students master the usage of those words. If the teachers can spend more time using the contexts or collocations for teaching those words, students should be able to learn better. It is hoped that this research can be a help for Mandarin teachers of Japanese leaners and can be ap-plied in practical teaching to help reduce students' confusions and enhance their learn-ing efficiency.日本華語學習者易混淆詞偏誤分析義素分析語料庫分析Japanese learners of MandarinEasily confused wordsError analysisSemantic feature analysisCorpus analysis日本高中華語學習者易混淆詞辨析與教學建議-以「變」、「變得」、「變成」、「成為」、「當」為例The Analysis and Teaching Suggestion of Confusable Words for Japanese High School Mandarin Leaners – biàn, biàn de, biàn chéng, chéng wéi, dāng as Examplesetd