翁佳音廖准一2019-09-032017-8-302019-09-032014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698270073%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96228本論文主要探討近代初期至清代晚期,後山地區的歷史演變過程與人群互動情形。希望可以究明各個時期的後山,呈現出怎樣的面貌,外來者與清帝國如何認識、理解及描繪後山,又對後山帶來怎樣的影響。 過去談到1875年開山撫番以前的後山歷史,大多集中在荷蘭人的探金行動,卑南王事蹟,李享、莊找、吳全、黃阿鳳、鄭尚等人的零星拓墾,以及平埔族人的南移與東遷等,但這段期間的後山史仍有不少等待釐清的問題。 1874年,爆發牡丹社事件,開啟了後山的大門,滿大人的鐵蹄終於正式踏上這片土地,但清帝國與後山人群發生了一連串的摩擦與衝突,讓清國官兵疲於奔命,最終釀成大庄鉅變,大庄事件的爆發,改變了清帝國對於後山的治理規畫與區域發展方向,影響延續至今。 宥於史料的缺乏,且散落在各輿圖、奏摺、遊記與回憶錄中,使得我們今日難以建構起早期後山的歷史全貌,本論文利用現存的輿圖、圖像及文獻檔案,進行交叉分析,尤其著重「圖」所傳遞出的訊息,發現過去被忽略的史料所代表的意義,並嘗試回到在地知識,利用父祖輩們的經驗,以長期歷史結構的觀點探討後山歷史,追索當時清人、西方人與日本人眼中、筆下的後山,並討論清帝國究竟如何看待並「治理」這片邊陲之地,對於有待釐清或尚未受到重視的問題提出合理的說明與解釋。This study mainly discusses the historical evolution and the peoples' interaction in the “Back Mountain” region from early modern to late Qing Dynasty. We intend to clarify the changes in various periods in the Back Mountain, such as how the outsiders and Qing Empire know, understand and describe this region, and what the impacts are. In the past, when we mentioned the history of the Opening up the Mountains and Pacifying the Aborigines (OMPA) in 1875, the previous studies mainly focused on the activities of gold mining by Dutch, the Puyuma Event, the land reclamations by Li, Chung, Wu, Huang and Cheng, and also included the migration of Pingpu tribe. However, there are still many questions needed to clarify. Because of the “Mudan Incident” in 1874, Qing Empire sent the officers to Taiwan. However the Qing authorities unsuccessfully attempted to bring this region under their control, causing the “Da-jhaung Incident”-the Qing troops were ambushed and routed by the Paiwan tribe. It impacted the management of this region by Qing government. It is a challenge to construct the history of Back Mountain since there is a shortage of historical data. In order to fill this gap, we use cross analysis to measure the association of the existing maps, images, and papers, especially maps and images. This study contributes to an understanding of the literature of Back Mountain, and provides the explanation and interpretation of how Qing authorities govern this region.後山花蓮臺東花東東臺灣杜羅河開山撫番大庄事件Back MountainHualienTaitungHua-TungEast TaiwanDanau RiverOpening up the Mountains and Pacifying the AboriginesDa-jhaung Incident虛實之境-臺灣後山的地域與人群(從近代初期到1888年)