陳怡靜Chen, Yi-Ching莊璧卉Chuang, Pi-Hui2023-12-082023-02-142023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/a3322031e9e1b135ef494ade91301ffa/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120427本研究之目的在探討擁有完美主義人格特質的領導者對部屬工作績效表現的影響,以及欲了解部屬情緒耗竭在領導者完美主義和部屬工作績效兩者間的中介效果與轉換型領導在領導者完美主義和部屬情緒耗竭之間調節的效果。本研究採用問卷量化的方式進行調查,並以便利取樣來選取受測對象,發放問卷則採主管與部屬的一對一配對方式,2人一組共300份問卷,主管與員工之有效問卷各115份,有效回收率為76.67%,之後使用SPSS統計軟體對總體回收之問卷資料做進一步的整理與分析,分析結果顯示(1)領導者的高標準完美主義對部屬工作績效具有正向影響。(2)部屬情緒耗竭在領導者的高標準完美主義與部屬工作績效間具有部分中介之效果。(3)轉換型領導對領導者的完美主義與部屬的情緒耗竭則不具有調節效果。最後依據研究結果提出相對應的結論和建議,以期能提供學術及實務界一個有價值的參考研究。The current study aims to explore the effects leader perfectionism (LP) has on subordinate work performance (SWP), the mediation effects of subordinate emotional exhaustion (SEE) between LP and SWP, and the moderation effects of transformational leadership (TL) between LP and SEE.In this study, questionnaire quantification was used to conduct surveys, and convenience sampling was used to select subjects. The survey questionnaires were distributed in pairs: one supervisors to one subordinates. There were 300 questionnaires given to groups of 2 people. The valid questionnaires for supervisors and employees were different. 115 questionnaires were collected, with an effective recovery rate of 76.67%. Afterwards, SPSS statistical software was used to further collate and analyze the overall recovered questionnaire data. The analysis results showed that (1) the high-standard LP positively affects SWP. (2)SEE partially mediates the high-standard LP-SWP relationship. (3)TL fails to moderate the LP-SWP has relationship. According to the research results, corresponding conclusions and suggestions are put forth, in order to provide a valuable reference research for academic and practical circles.完美主義工作績效情緒耗竭轉換型領導PerfectionismJob PerformanceEmotional ExhausionTransformational Leadership領導者的完美主義對部屬工作績效的影響-情緒耗竭之中介效果與轉換型領導之調節效果The effect of leader perfectionism on the subordinates’ job performance-Emotional exhaustion as a mediator and transformational leadership as a moderatoretd