林儷蓉Lin, Li-Jung林雯玉LIN, Wen-Yu2023-12-082023-09-142023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/4fb59931414c0c375d066d7a3f59e2a7/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118747此研究目的在探討臺北市中正區古亭次分區社區長者參與休閒活動對生活品質之相關研究。研究對象為55歲以上社區長者,於里民活動中心或社區發放「休閒活動參與」問卷,以便利取樣方式共發放369份紙本問卷,回收有效問卷344份,另電子表單部分回收69份回覆,再以SPSS統計軟體之敘述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析ANOVA、皮爾森積差相關分析做資料處理分析,得到結論如下:一、年齡、教育程度、目前月收入及最常參與的休閒活動類型在休閒涉入、生活品質各方面有顯著的差異,而運動型及技藝型活動尤其顯著;高齡者在休閒涉入程度不同,對休閒內在動機有顯著差異,且對生活品質各方面也有影響;而共同居住對象不同對休閒內在動機有顯著影響,以獨居者的休閒內在動機比較低。二、臺北市中正區古亭次分區高齡者休閒涉入、休閒動機與生活品質呈正相關。基於以上的結論,建議社區長者盡可能及早培養至少一項運動型及技藝型休閒活動,也建議政府及民間相關單位除了運動中心以外也能設置更優質的技藝型、知識型活動中心,讓社區長者有更多元的選擇,希望政府能運用行政資源鼓勵高齡者尤其是獨居者走出家門參與休閒活動,相信對於社區長者的生活品質會有所幫助。The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between the participation of urban aging residents in leisure activities and their overall quality of life within the Guting Sub-District of Taipei City's Zhongzheng District. The study focused on urban residents aged 55 and above. We administered the "Leisure Activities Participation Survey" questionnaire either at residents' activity centers or within the community. A total of 369 paper questionnaires were distributed using convenience sampling, resulting in the recovery of 344 valid questionnaires. Additionally, 69 responses were obtained through electronic forms. We analyzed the data using descriptive statistics, independent sample t-tests,one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), and Pearson product-moment correlation analysis through SPSS statistical software. The following conclusions were drawn:1.Age, education level, current monthly income, and the types of leisure activities most frequently participated in demonstrated significant differences in both leisure involvement and quality of life. Sports and skill-based activities, in particular, exhibited notable significance. The elders displayed varying levels of involvement in leisure activities, with a significant difference in internal leisure motivation. This internal leisure motivation also had an impact on various aspects of their quality of life. Moreover, living arrangements played a significant role in internal leisure motivation, with those living alone showing lower motivation.2.There exists a positive correlation between the level of leisure involvement, leisure motivation, and the quality of life among elders in the Guting Sub-District of Zhongzheng District, Taipei City.Based on these findings, we recommend that urban aging residents consider engaging in at least one sports or skill-based leisure activity as early as possible. Furthermore, we suggest that both government entities and relevant private organizations establish improved centers for skill-based and knowledge-based activities in addition to sports facilities. This expansion of options can provide urban aging residents with a wider array of choices. We hope that the government will allocate administrative resources to encourage elderly individuals, especially those living alone, to participate in leisure activities outside their homes. We believe that this initiative will significantly enhance the overall quality of life for urban aging residents.高齡者社區長者休閒涉入休閒動機生活品質eldersurban aging residentsleisure involvementleisure motivationquality of life臺北市都市型社區長者休閒涉入、休閒動機與生活品質之相關研究:以古亭次分區為例A study of the relationship between leisure involvement, leisure motivation and quality of life among the urban aging residents in Guting Sub-District, Taipei Cityetd