陳昭珍Chen, Chao-Chen林祤晴Hunsapun, Nalatpa2023-12-082023-08-162023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/b84662b072cf6ce4ccd9f689228395e2/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119394本研究的目的是通過使用文獻計量學、內容分析和訪談法,探討亞洲各國資訊素養教育的趨勢和見解,以回答與研究方向和趨勢、研究文章的特徵和分佈以及高等教育中資訊素養研究和教學情況相關的三個主要問題。研究樣本分為三部分:1)對2000年至2022年期間Web of Science社會科學引文索引(SSCI)資料庫中收錄的亞洲各國高等教育資訊素養研究的150篇文章進行內容分析;2)使用文獻計量分析方法,分析作者和期刊的產出,並進行引文分析、共引分析以及對出版物中常用關鍵字的分析,並利用VOSviewer系統將資料視覺化;3)採用半結構化訪談方法,對臺灣和泰國的九位資訊素養教育相關學者專家進行訪談。 關於亞洲各國高等教育中與資訊素養相關的研究問題的特徵和分佈的研究結果顯示,在2000年至2022年期間,研究的出版物數量逐漸增加。中國大陸、臺灣、韓國、馬來西亞和日本是最具生產力的國家。大學部學生是最常見被研究的對象、定量方法是最常用的研究方法;研究領域各不相同,重點放在未指定領域、混合學科、語言和圖書館與資訊科學方面。雖然大多數文章中沒有明確提到具體的資訊素養標準或框架,但研究人員認識到在課程設計中引用任何標準或框架的重要性。 關於資訊素養教育在高等教育中的趨勢方向的研究結果揭示了一些關鍵見解。首先,通過引文分析和期刊共引分析,觀察到該領域中最常被引用的期刊有《電腦輔助語言學》、《電腦與教育》和《學術圖書館員雜誌》。其次,從作者的引文分析和共引分析來看,Lai, Chun是最有產出的作者,其次是Gu, Ming-Yue和Sin, Sei-Ching Joanna。值得注意的是,Lai, C.和Gu, M.合著的題為《利用技術進行課外自我調節語言學習》的研究接收到了最多的引用次數。此外,研究還確定了資訊素養教育研究中經常使用的關鍵字,如「資訊素養」、「數位素養」、「高等教育」、「學術圖書館」和”大學生」。根據對泰國和臺灣的圖書館與資訊科學教育工作者的訪談,高等教育中的資訊素養被視為在當今資訊驅動的世界中至關重要,使個體能夠獲取和有效利用資訊。研究強調了統一標準的必要性以及圖書館在促進資訊素養方面的作用。教授資訊素養技能涉及教授、圖書館員和學生之間的共同責任,合作和融入課程是關鍵。挑戰包括教師缺乏專業知識以及需要良好結構化的教學方法。資訊素養技能的發展受到學習者特徵、教師知識、社會因素、研究應用挑戰和教育相關政策的影響。促進資訊素養面臨著快速技術變化和有限意識的挑戰。然而,教師期望政府的支援,並強調需要進行研究並採用新的典範(paradigm)來提升學生的資訊素養技能。 為了加強對高等教育中資訊素養的未來研究,建議利用包括國際和國內來源在內的綜合資料庫,以更全面地瞭解該領域的趨勢和方向。擴大搜索詞的範圍,包括與資訊素養相關的新興詞彙,以確保全面分析。進行涉及亞洲不同國家教師的定性研究,可以提供資訊素養教育在高等教育中的細緻見解。此外,探索各個教育層次(如中學和小學教育)中的資訊素養,將能夠進行比較分析,並全面瞭解資訊素養的發展。The purposes of this research were to explore trends and insights of information literacy education across Asian countries using three methods: bibliometric, content analysis, and interview methods. To answer three main research questions related to the direction and trend, characteristics and distribution of research articles, and the education situation of information literacy research and instruction in higher education. The study sample was divided into three parts: 1) content analysis study of 150 information literacy research in higher education across Asian countries from 2000 to 2022 indexed by Web of Science's Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) database. 2) bibliometric analysis analyses productive of authors and journals with citations analysis and, co-citations analysis, and frequently used keywords in the publications and creates data visualization by VOSviewer program, and 3) interview methods were conducted semi-structured with nine key informants from Taiwan and Thailand as a case study using purposive sampling. The results of the study on characteristics and distribution of research themes related to information literacy in higher education (ILHE) across Asian countries show during 2000-2022, the publication of research has been increasing steadily over time. People's Republic of China, Taiwan, South Korea, Malaysia, and Japan were the most productive countries. Undergraduate students are the most common research participants used studied. Quantitative methods were the most employed research methods. The research domains varied, with an emphasis on unspecified domains, mixed disciplines, language, and library and information science. While specific information literacy standards or frameworks were not explicitly mentioned in most articles, researchers recognized the importance of referencing any standards or frameworks in curriculum design.The results of the study on the trends including directions of ILHE research revealed several key insights. Firstly, through citation analysis and co-citation of journals, it was observed that the most frequently cited journals in the field were "Computer assisted language learning," "Computers & education," and "Journal of academic librarianship." Secondly, in terms of citation analysis and co-citation of authors, Lai, Chun emerged as the most productive author, followed by Gu, Ming-Yue, andSin, Sei-Ching Joanna. Notably, the study by Lai, C.,& Gu, M. titled "Self-regulated out-of-class language learning with technology" received the highest number of citations. Additionally, the research identified frequently used keywords in ILHE research, such as "information literacy," "digital literacy," "higher education," "academic libraries," and "college students." For the situation of information literacy research and instruction in higher education based on interviews with LIS educators from Thailand and Taiwan. Information literacy wasseen as crucial in today's information-driven world, enabling individuals to access and effectively utilize information. The study highlighted the need for consistent standards and the role of libraries in fostering information literacy. Teaching information literacy skills involved shared responsibility among professors, librarians, and students, with collaboration and integration into the curriculum being key. Challenges included instructors' lack of expertise and the need for well-structured teaching methods. The development of information literacy skills was influenced by learner characteristics, instructors' knowledge, societal factors, research application challenges, and education-related policies. Promoting information literacy faced challenges such as rapid technological changes and limited awareness. However, instructors expected government support and emphasized the need for research and the adoption of new paradigms to enhance students' information literacy skills. To enhance future research on information literacy in higher education, it is recommended to utilize comprehensive databases,including international and national sources, for a broader understanding of trends and directions in the field. Expanding search terms to include emerging words related to information literacy will ensure a comprehensive analysis. Conducting qualitative studies involving instructors from different Asian countries will provide nuanced insights into information literacy instruction in higher education. Additionally, exploring information literacy across various educational levels, such as secondary and primary education, will enable comparative analysis and a holistic understanding of information literacy development.資訊素養高等教育亞洲國家文獻計量分析內容分析訪談方法臺灣泰國information literacyhigher educationAsian countriesbibliometric analysiscontent analysisinterview methodsTaiwanThailand亞洲國家資訊素養教育趨勢與洞見探究Exploring Trends and Insights of Information Literacy Education in Asian Countriesetd