許良明馮彥平FENG YEN-PING2019-09-042010-9-252019-09-042010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0592701421%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98850本研究主要目的在了解高雄市國中生腳踏自行車騎乘行為,將從個人交通安全認知、個人交通安全經驗、腳踏自行車機械常識與腳踏自行車操作四個層面探討,其研究目的為: 1.瞭解高雄市國中生個人交通安全認知、交通安全經驗、腳踏自行車機械常識及腳踏自行車操作情形。 2.比較高雄市國中生不同個人背景變項,與個人交通安全認知與經驗之差異。 3.比較高雄市國中生不同個人背景變項,與腳踏自行車機械常識與操作之差異。 4.比較不同個人交通安全認知與經驗的國中生與腳踏自行車機械常識與操作的差異。 5.透過上述研究結果,提出相關的腳踏自行車騎乘教育對策,提供教育及交通相關單位參考。 本研究主要以調查研究法來進行,針對全高雄市國中進行抽樣,依據學校地理區域劃分進行調查研究,共計抽出12所學校,寄發問卷1234份,有效問卷1011份,回收率為81.9%,並將蒐集之資料利用SPSS for Windows統計應用軟體程式進行統計處理與資料分析,主要利用次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差、獨立樣本t考驗與單因子變異數分析進行統計分析。完成研究後,本研究得到以下幾項結論: 一、高雄市國中生個人背景變項,與個人交通安全認知與經驗有顯著差異。 二、高雄市國中生個人背景變項,與腳踏自行車機械常識與操作無顯著差異。 三、不同交通安全及經驗與腳踏自行車機械常識與操作有顯著差異。 最後,綜合本研究所獲得的研究發現及結論,提出建議供教育、交通主管機關相關教育人員、道路使用者(國中學生)與未來後續研究參考。This research intends to analyze the bicycle-riding behavior of junior high school students in Kaohsiung city from the perspectives of traffic safety awareness, experiences of traffic safety, bicycle mechanical knowledge, and bicycle operation, in order to: 1. Understand how junior high school students in Kaohsiung city become aware of traffic safety, their experiences of traffic safety, how much bicycle mechanical knowledge they have, and how they operate bicycles; 2. Determine whether and how the variable of individuals’ backgrounds would impact their traffic safety awarenessand experiences; 3. Determine whether and how the variable of individuals’ backgrounds would impact their bicycle mechanical knowledge and bicycle operation; 4. Compare the differences in bicycle mechanical knowledge and bicycle operation caused by different traffic safety awareness and experiences; and 5. Offer suggestions for relevant bike-riding education policies, based on the conclusions of the research, for the reference of education administrations and traffic authorities. Using a survey research method, stratified random sampling was conducted among students in junior high schools across Kaohsiung City, based on the geographic location of the schools. A total of 1234 questionnaires were sent out to 12 schools and 1011 were returned as valid. The response rate of the questionnaire survey was 81.9%. The collected information was statistically processed and analyzed using SPSS for Windows. Frequency distribution, percentage, average, standard deviation, independent samples t-test, and one-way ANOVA were used in the statistic analyses. The following are the findings of the research: 1. Junior high school students’ individual backgrounds were found to make a significant difference to their traffic safety awareness and experiences. 2. Students’ individual backgrounds were found no significant difference to their bicycle mechanical knowledge and bicycle operation. 3. Different levels of traffic safety awareness and experiences could make a significant difference to the users’ bicycle mechanical knowledge and bicycle operation. In the last part of the research, suggestions were offered based on the findings and conclusions, for the reference of education administrations, traffic authorities, relevant educators, road users (junior high school students), as well as future research.國中學生交通安全騎乘行為表現腳踏自行車junior high school studentstraffic safetyriding behavior showbicycle高雄市國中學生腳踏自行車騎乘行為表現之研究The Bicycle-riding Behavior of Junior High School Students in Kaohsiung City