劉一民Liu, I-Min張威克Chang, Wei Ko2019-09-052003-07-012019-09-052002http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2003000080%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105989本研究以傅柯的系譜學為方法,從歷史進程探索我國學校體育演進所涉及身體、知識的形成與變遷,分析造成變化的權力因素,並嘗試研製我國學校體育身體、知識變化的權力圖譜。經分析探討後,本研究歸納出下列結論: 從身體系譜來看,我國學校體育可以體操期、體育前期、體育工具期與多元自主期等四時期概括。源於軍伍的體操血統,使體操期呈現以「操」為主的公共財身體觀;體育前期,西方思潮輸入自主意識萌芽,出現「育」的身體觀;工具期,在國族生存受威脅時出現,並發展出以「爭」為核心的工具身體觀;多元自主期因社會民主富裕而出現,學校體育逐漸重視對真、善、美的追求,顯現尊重多元價值的身體觀。 從知識演進的系譜看,我國學校體育約呈四期:前學科期、科學前期、實證科學期與整合分裂期。前學科期,「體操」所應具備的知識體系尚不明顯,經驗傳承居主要知識來源。科學前期,知識科學化與經驗系統化,兩者並行不悖,但學門分化儼然成形。實證科學期,是在體育研究所出現後正式到來,學校體育逐漸向量化觀念傾斜。整合分裂期,量化與質化研究開啟對話,並促成跨學門整合研究;但體育相關院、所、系的陸續出現,也意味從分化走上分裂,知識的分化雖能滿足知識慾望,卻亦可能危及體育在校園的生存。 在探索造成學校體育變遷的動因後,發現其中至少包括:l.父權與民權、2.國族與個人、3.經驗與科學、4.知與行、5.質與量、6.去與留等六種相抗相生的力量糾結。這些力量的消長,既影響身體亦牽動知識的變化,形成一張身體╱知識╱權力的網絡;但察考權力生成過程,發現「秩序化」與「去病夫化」在集體意識╱潛意識中醱酵,成為主導學校體育演進的核心權力。The method of this study uses Michel Foucault's theory of genealogy to analyze the evolution of the body and knowledge in physical education where power is involved. The study tries to map a figure of power between the body and knowledge and makes several genealogical conclusions. In the development of the concept of the body, four genealogical periods can be distinguished. First, in the gymnastic period, the body appeared as a public-property concept and was centered on "drill," a concept derived from the military. Second, in the pre-physical education period, the body emerged, through the influence of western thought, as a self-awareness concept and was centered on "cultivation." Third, in the instrumental period, the body appeared as an instrumental concept that was centered on "competition" when the country’s existence was being threatened. Fourth, in the current multi-autonomous period, the body is a multivalent concept centered on "truth," "goodness," and "beauty," following social democratic thought. In the development of knowledge, four genealogical periods can also be distinguished. The first was the pre-disciplinary period, when the main sourceof knowledge was induced from the experience of exercise. The second was the pre-scientific period, when the sources of knowledge were reduced to two systems: scientificization and experience-systemization. The third was the positivist period, when the system of knowledge tended toward a quantifiable concept. The fourth was the integrative and separatist period, when, on one hand, qualitative knowledge was accepted and physical education became a cross-disciplinary study, and, on the other hand, when the fact that some physical-education-related departments were constituted began to emblematize a potential crisis in the process of the evolution of knowledge. After analyzing the forces in physical education's development, we find there are six combinations of forces that have influenced either the body or knowledge: paternity or democracy, nationalism or individualism, experientialism or scientism, knowing or doing, quality or quantity, and disestablishment or existence. The basis of these forces is located in people's will for "orderliness" and "good health," that is the mainstream motivation guiding the evolution of physical education in the Republic of China. Key words: body, knowledge, power, physical education, genealogy身體知識權力體育系譜學BodyKnowledgePowerPhysical EducationGenealogy身體/知識/權力:論我國學校體育演進的系譜Body/Knowledge/Power:A Genealogical Analysis of the Development of Physical Education in the R.O.C.