國立臺灣師範大學體育學系曾郁嫻程瑞福2016-08-042016-08-042014-03-011991-2498http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/80048目的:了解中高齡女性在不同生命歷程中的休閒性身體活動經驗。方法:採取目的式隨機抽樣方法,以4位居住於臺北市之中高齡女性為研究參與者。以深度訪談進行資料蒐集,並以生命歷程理論、婦女休閒及女性主義地理學觀點進行分析。結果:中高齡女性在不同生命階段之身體活動經驗分別受到社會文化背景差異、教育資源落差、家務工作涉入、退休狀態確定與否等因素影響。女性在進入婚姻生活以前,多投入帶有經濟價值的身體勞動;當女性進入婚姻生活後,即以家務與照護為主;進入高齡階段的退休生活則是以健康維護與興趣為考量,從事偏好的休閒性身體活動。結論:(一)女性休閒性身體活動形態受到家庭、居住環境、教育資源等因素影響;(二)受限於家務工作、家庭經濟條件等因素影響,女性在中年以前缺乏參與休閒性身體活動的記憶;(三)女性休閒空間使用受到經濟條件、身體機能退化等因素影響較多;(四)女性從事休閒性身體活動,多是以健康維護為主。Purpose: The aim of this study was to understand the leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) patterns in life courses. Methods: The in-depth interviews were conducted to collect information. The participants are 4 elder women aged 61-69 in Taipei. The life course theory was applied to probe the LTPA patterns in women's life course. Results: It was found that LTPA was affected by the social context, economic condition and domestic work and paid work in early life. It was not until the sickness and retirement that women began to involve in LPTA in later life. The family leisure was the main leisure pattern in early life and the lower intensity activities were chosen as main LTPA in later life, such as walking and dancing, which were motivated by health concern. Moreover, the economic condition and health were more influential in LTPA participation. Conclusions: It is concluded into 4 themes. 1) The patterns of LTPA that participants chosen were affected by family, living environment, and educational resources; 2) The participants lacking of the LTPA experience before middle life, and were limited by domestic work and financial condition; 3) The financial and health condition influence the elder women in choosing leisure spaces; 4) The motivation of participated in LTPA comes from health maintain.婦女休閒老化女性主義地理學休閒性身體活動Women leisureAgingLife courseFeminist geographyLTPA中高齡女性休閒性身體活動經驗與生命歷程轉移之研究The Study of Elderly Women's Leisure-time Physical Activities in Life Course Transition