王麗雲WANG, LI-YUN郭佳音Kuo, Chia-Yin2019-08-282020-07-152019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0698160072%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91205本論文是一個以學生輔導法立法過程為研究對象的個案研究,研究焦點著重在教育政策的制定過程;本研究同時也是一個採用文件分析和訪談的質性研究。 本研究將立法過程分為公共議程、政府議程及決策議程三個階段,探討推動《學生輔導法》的立法背景、立法過程及演變,再分析立法過程中的影響因素,以提供教育政策決策者與立法推動者未來推動教育政策合法化之參考。 根據研究發現,在公共議程階段,為解決輔導工作缺乏社會觀念支持、專業認同產生危機、各級學校輔導體制分歧,以及輔導專業化與普及化爭論等問題,進而推動《學生輔導法》立法。在政府議程階段,由政府部門主導立法的推動。在決策議程階段,重大事件開啟政策之窗,提升學生輔導議題的受關注程度,卻也產生不理性的政策決定。至於政府內外的參與者,則透過說服與妥協、議程推進或干預、連署、質詢、結合其他提案、動員遊說、參與座談會或公聽會、尋求盟友、接受委託研究及倡議聯盟等行動策略,企圖對《學生輔導法》的條文內容產生影響。This thesis is a case study of Student Guidance and Counseling Act (SGCA) focusing on the process of educational policy-making. Qualitative research was conducted through documentary analysis and interviews. In this study, the legislative process was divided into three stages on the public agenda, the government agenda and decision agenda, etc. The purposes of this research are to discuss the legislative background, the legislative process and evolution of the SGCA, explore factors that influence of the legislative process, and to offer some suggestions for educational policy makers and advocates of education Act. Based on the findings, in the public agenda stage, concept to address the lack of counselling and social support, professional identity crisis, at all levels of school guidance and institutional differences, and counselling specialization and popularization of dispute and other issues, thus promoting legislation on SGCA. On the government agenda stage, promoting sector-led legislation by the Government. On the decision agenda stage, event opened the policy window, enhance student counseling topics focus, but also produce an irrational policy decisions. Participants within and outside the Government, through persuasion and compromise, advancing the agenda or intervention, petition, question, combined with other proposals, mobilizes lobbying, participating in seminars or public hearings, seeking allies, commissioned research and the alliance strategies, attempts to influence the content of SGCA.學生輔導法學生輔導政策制定立法過程Student Guidance and Counseling Actstudent guidancepolicy-makingthe legislative process學生輔導法立法過程之個案研究A Case Study on the Legislative Process of Student Guidance and Counseling Act