劉秀嫚林貞君Chen-Chun Lin2019-08-282012-6-242019-08-282012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697070012%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88620本研究目的在瞭解我國任教八年級公民的教師使用各種教學法和教授特定議題的自信與差異情形,並進一步探討教師效能感和學生公民知識的關係。為達上述目的,本研究利用2009年ICCS資料庫所釋出之資料,以兩階段分層取樣,所隨機抽取的臺灣八年級5,167名在學學生,和任教八年級公民的426位教師為研究對象。所得資料透過描述統計、單一樣本t考驗、單因子變異數以及Pearson積差相關進行分析。茲說明研究結果如下: 一、除實驗活動法外,我國任教八年級公民的教師對各教學法的使用普遍具有信心。其中,又以40歲(含)以上或教學年資15年(含)以上的教師,在使用各教學法之自信明顯較佳。 二、我國任教八年級公民的教師對各特定議題的教授普遍具有信心。其中,又以40歲(含)以上教師,在教授特定議題之自信明顯較佳。 三、整體而言,任教八年級公民的教師之教師效能感與學生公民知識有顯著正相關。此外,除「實驗活動法」、「文化差異與宗教團體」、「環境」以及「人口外移和外籍移民」的議題外,教師之教學法自信和教授特定議題自信,皆與學生的公民知識有顯著正相關。While policy-makers and educators have paid increasing attention to the importance of civic education, little is known about the relationship between teachers’ efficacy and students’ development in this area. Most research focuses either on teachers of civic-related subjects or on their students, but not linking them. This study presents analysis of the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) data concerning this topic. Three questions were asked: (1) How confident do teachers feel in various teaching methods, (2) How confident do teachers feel about teaching selected civic and citizenship education topics, and (3) What is the relationship between teachers’ efficacy and students’ civic knowledge. The target database contains 5,167 students and 426 teachers who teach civic-related subjects at 8th grade of junior high schools in Taiwan. Descriptive statistics, one sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson product-moment correlation were conducted to analyze the data using SPSS 19.0 for Windows. The major findings are listed as followings: 1. Except for “laboratory activities method”, teachers who teach civic-related subjects at 8th grade of junior high schools in Taiwan have an intermediate-high level of confidence in various teaching methods. 2. Except for “different cultures and ethnic groups”, “the environment”, and “emigration and immigration”, teachers who teach civic-related subjects at 8th grade of junior high schools in Taiwan have an intermediate-high level of confidence in teaching selected civic and citizenship education topics. 3. There is a significantly positive correlation between teachers’ efficacy and students’ civic knowledge. The higher the teachers’ efficacy is, the better the students’ civic knowledge.國際公民教育與素養研究(ICCS 2009)教師效能感八年級學生公民知識公民教學法公民議題International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS)teacher efficacy8th grade studentscivic knowledgeteachers’ confidence in teaching methodsteachers’ confidence in teaching CCE topics教師效能感與學生公民知識的相關:ICCS 2009資料庫的應用A Study on the Relationship between Teacher Efficacy and Student Civic Knowledge: Findings from the ICCS 2009