陳碧雲施宜煌葉彥宏Pi-Yun Chen, Yi-Huang Shih, Yan-Hong Ye2019-08-122019-08-122018-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/80622本文旨在探思蒙特梭利教育觀對幼兒生命教育理念的啟示,分別從學習環境、教師作為與幼兒生命素養等三個層面闡述幼兒生命教育之內涵與實踐方向:首先,要發展以自由為基礎的生命教育學習環境,因為自由的學習環境能使幼兒生命蛻變得更有活力朝氣,在自由的生命教育環境發展幼兒的基本人格,並讓幼兒學習對生命的責任感。其次,教師應成為照顧幼兒身心靈發展的教師,所以教師在自由選擇、自由決定的過程發展幼兒關懷生命的人格;教師依循著孩子的自然情感來發展幼兒內心的「善」,並對幼兒有愛;教師瞭解並尊重孩子依循自然成長的獨立性,且不加干涉。最後,發展幼兒的生命素養,讓幼兒在合理自由範圍內享受有紀律的自由,發展獨立成長的人格;幼兒靠著自己的自由意志,排除生命正常發展的障礙,順應自然發展法則。企盼藉由本文之探討,俾益我國幼兒生命教育的實踐,進而開展我國幼兒生命教育的理念。This research aims to explore the educational viewpoint of Maria Montessori and illuminates its implications for life education in early childhood. The implications are divided into three parts, including learning environment, teachers and young children. Firstly, implications for the learning environment focus on developing an educational environment of “freedom” in early childhood life education. A free learning environment can make young children’s lives more vibrant, and young children can develop their basic personality and learn about responsibility in life. Secondly, as for the implications for teachers, teachers must allow young children to develop a life-care character through the process of making choices and decision-making. Teachers must develop kindness in a natural fashion and give more love to young children, and teachers must understand and respect the rights of young children to grow independently and naturally, without interference. Finally, as for the implications for young children, young children should enjoy freedom in disciplines within a reasonable range, and develop an independent personality. Young children can remove obstacles to normal development in life by their own free will. Moreover, young children can conform to the natural law of development and enact correct and meaningful actions. It is hoped that such an exploration can benefit the praxis of early childhood life education, and broaden the vision of this field of education in Taiwan.生命幼兒生命教育蒙特梭利early childhood life educationlifeMontessori幼兒生命教育理念的開展── 蒙特梭利教育觀的啟示Broadening the Idea of Early Childhood Life Education: Some Implications from the Educational Viewpoint of Maria Montessori