林達隆陳冠宏Chen Kuan Hong2020-12-102010-8-252020-12-102010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696600482%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115406近年來插畫繪本在台灣的發展愈趨豐富多元,許多國際的得獎繪本作品也相繼引進,而台灣本土的插畫繪本作家在國際之間的插畫繪本比賽中,也屢屢創下佳績,在現今這個地球村的時代,文化之間的交流和資訊的傳達,藉由先進的科技與技術、網路、媒體等,廣泛而快速的傳播、蔓延,而人對於圖像的閱覽和解答也往往是最為快速與其內容溝通、互動的方式。也因如此,來自不同文化背景的人藉由自身對於圖像特殊的詮釋風格,藉由造型、空間、色彩、想像等表現出獨特的插畫圖像,進一步更引起社會大眾的廣泛討論和研究,如台灣有許多人研究幾米的插畫繪本在近幾年所引起的風潮,進而探討故事中的社會現象和都市中人與人之間的城市情感,更進一步的跨領域的延伸創作出電影、音樂、商品等,假以時日的今天,我們生活的週遭,早已與這些圖像插畫密切的關聯著。 本創作論文以插畫繪本中的奇幻元素做為基底,透過介紹近代插畫繪本的發展和演變,列舉當代知名的奇幻插畫繪本作品,比較國內外的奇幻插畫繪本及創作內容與形式,分析有關於超現實的視覺表現元素,希望在前人創作努力的基礎上,吸取其寶貴的經驗,掌握繪本創作的重點與價值,進而研究插畫繪本中對於奇幻造型與風格的詮釋表現手法。根據上述研究收穫所得,進行實際的繪本創作,將創作的流程加以釐清,進行關於奇幻風格題材與故事內容的設計。最後參酌文獻探討及繪畫創作成果,撰寫創作論述與詳細介紹作品,及提出結論,說明自己在此研究與創作過程中所獲得之啟發及心得,期能作為日後創作者參考與研究之價值。Picture book illustrator in Taiwan in recent years, the development of increasingly rich and diverse, many international award-winning picture book works have also introduced, while Taiwanese illustrator illustrators in the international competition between the picture book illustrator, also repeatedly hit success, In the current era of global village, cultural and information exchanges between the communication, through advanced technology and technology, Internet, media, extensive and rapid spread, spread, and people read and answer for the images are often communication with the contents of the most rapid, interactive way. This is also why people from different cultural backgrounds through their own unique interpretation of style for the image, by modeling, space, color, imagination and other illustrations showing the unique image, and further aroused extensive public discussion and research, If Taiwan has many illustrations of Jimmy's picture books in recent years caused by the wave, and then explore the story of social phenomena and urban in the city between people feeling, further extension of cross-cutting to create movies, music, merchandise, etc., in time today, our life, long and close association of these images with illustrations. The thesis writing picture books in the fantasy element of illustration as a basement, through the introduction of modern development and evolution of picture book illustrations, list of contemporary works by renowned fantasy illustrator picture books, more domestic and international picture book illustrator and creative fantasy content and form, analysis on ultra-realistic visual representation of elements of hope in the creative effort on the basis of previous and learn its valuable experience, grasp the key and value creation picture books, picture books and study the illustrations in the shape and style Duiyu fantasy interpretation of the performance of practices . Harvested from the above study, the actual creation of picture books, the creative process to clarify, for on the fantasy style theme and story design. Reference literature and painting the last of the fruits of creativity, creative writing paper with detailed work, and its conclusions, explain their creative process in this study and in the inspiration and the experience gained, creators of energy for future reference and research value.插畫繪本奇幻超現實illustrationpicture booksfantasysurreal「天空的秘密」-奇幻繪本創作之超現實視覺空間表現研究「The Secret of Sky」-The Study of Surrealist Visual Space Expression in Fantastic Picture Book Creation