楊雅淳Yang, Ya-Chun羅珮瑜Lo, Pei-Yu2023-12-082023-06-162023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/10bc7eec09a85d9a5505f65ae2be8898/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121819古典時期之法國長笛演奏家、低音管演奏家、作曲家及音樂教育家,弗朗索瓦•德維安(François Devienne, 1759-1803),一生致力於音樂創作及教育,尤其在長笛教育中,著有《最新理論及實用長笛教學》教材,總合以上,德維安在管樂發展中,具有相當程度的影響力。本文探討德維安的作品《降E大調第二號單簧管與鋼琴奏鳴曲,作品六十八 》,透過資料蒐集與樂曲分析,將研究分為三個章節:第一章為緒論,研究動機及範圍;第二章為德維安之生平及創作背景,及透過分析他的《最新理論及實用長笛教學》教材中的範例,整理出德維安的作曲貫用手法;第三章為樂曲分析及演奏詮釋,針對樂曲之創作手法、調性、和聲、旋律及樂句結構進行分析,並探討其演奏詮釋方法。第四章則是結論的闡述。French flutist, bassoonist, composer and music educator, François Devienne (1759-1803), devoted all his life to composing and music education, especially in the flute field. His method book"Nouvelle Methode Theorique et Pratique Pour la Flute", has a considerable influence on the development of the flute.  This paper discusses François Devienne’ s Sonata for Clarinet and Piano in E-flat Major, No. 2, Op. 68 and is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, explaining research motive and scope of the study. The second chapter is about Devienne’s life and creative background. Using the examples found in his method book " Nouvelle Methode Theorique et Pratique Pour la Flute"to compile his composition techniques. The third chapter provides music analysis and suggestions for musical interpretation of the piece, including the realization of techniques, tonality, harmony, melody, and structure used in the piece. Conclusions will be written in the last chapter.德維安單簧管奏鳴曲DevienneClarinetSonata德維安《降E大調第二號單簧管與鋼琴奏鳴曲,作品六十八 》之作品分析與詮釋An Analysis and Interpretation of François Devienne's Sonata for Clarinet and Piano in E-flat Major, No. 2, Op. 68report_art