潘朝陽Pan, Chao-yang力露Martina Greif2019-08-282013-7-232019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699810088%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85881本論文旨以牟宗三易學,探討瑞士學者卡爾˙古斯塔夫˙榮格之共時性原理。 筆者以為,西方科學典範無法提供適當的框架,將共時性原理納入其中,因科學典範立基因果關係,而共時性原理乃非因果關係,亦不遵循科學思維的既定邏輯。   當榮格研究中國古典《易經》的時候,發現它基於共時性原理,在中國稱為感應或感通。榮格不諳中文,故僅能透過譯本認識《易經》。在當時的歐洲,《易經》仍神秘未知。由於榮格未能以科學框架解釋共時性原理,亦無法深入對易學進行討論;相對於榮格的進路,筆者嘗試以易學的視角,詮釋共時性原理。   本文中,筆者將專注於牟氏易學,以其道德形上學為進路,對榮格「自我實現」概念,進行更細緻的討論。The thesis’s aim is to present Carl Jung’s synchronicity principle using Mou Zongsan’s 牟宗三 philosophy of moral metaphysics. I argue that Western scientific paradigm is unable to offer an appropriate framework for integration of synchronicity principle, because the scientific paradigm is based on causality, whereas synchronicity principle is based on acausality, which does not follow the deterministic logic of scientific thinking. When Jung studied Chinese classic Yi Jing, he discovered it is based on synchronicity principle, in Chinese known as ganying 感應 or gantong 感通. Jung’s shortcoming was that he did not know Chinese language, therefore he approached Yi Jing only through available translations. In the West Yi Jing was still an unknown mystery waiting to be revealed. Since he was not able to explain synchronicity principle inside scientific framework it will be my task to explain synchronicity concept inside framework of Yi-ology. I will focus on Mou Zongsan’s Yi-ology, because it is based on moral metaphysics, which is similar to Jung’s concept of self-realization.卡爾。古斯塔夫。榮格共時性原理非因果關係《易經》牟宗三道德形上學自我實現Carl Gustav JungsynchronicityacausalityYi JingMou Zongsanmoral metaphysicsself-realization以牟宗三的道德形上學詮釋榮格的同時性原理Carl G. Jung's Synchronicity Principle Inside Framework of Mou Zongsan's Moral Metaphysics