廖世璋Liao, Shih-Chang蕭羽涵Hsiao, Yu-Han2023-12-082023-02-092023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/483cae41806b2e4406c32c0c0ced170b/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119722寶藏巖-臺北市第一座歷史聚落、臺灣第一個引進「藝居共生」的社區,政策形塑之下,寶藏巖成為另類的指標代表,其研究的重要性自然不在話下,然而塑造出現今寶藏巖的靈魂角色-「原住居民」卻少有研究細膩探求,使得串聯跨時代的集體記憶與地方意識的寶貴研究素材隨著人口凋零而消逝。 本研究以再現居民集體記憶與地方意識作為研究的主題,透過心智地圖的操作,再現居民在實踐地方空間時所潛藏、累積的情感與記憶,據以了解集體記憶的內容與形塑的原因,藉此為即將消逝的聚落延續珍貴的集體記憶。最後,本研究將反映出寶藏巖中的個人聲音,並期盼透過研究的歷程強化居民的主體性,進而讓逐漸隱性的寶藏巖主體-居民,能化被動為主動地爭取這塊土地的權益。研究結果有以下三點:(一) 居民最深刻的聚落記憶空間分為兩種,分別是屬於公共空間的寺廟與柑仔店,以及屬於私人空間的住家。(二) 透過心智地圖中對空間的組成方式與邊界的展現,可知居民對聚落的地方意識多來自個人的居住經驗。 (三) 心智地圖的展現主要受到「身份」變化的影響,引發的情緒多為遺憾與想念,而觸發的原因為空間裡的人。Bao-Tzang-Yen is the first historical settlement in Taipei City, and it is the first community in Taiwan to introduce"Artist-Resident-Symbiosis". Under the shaping of policies, Bao-Tzang-Yen has become an alternative indicator representative. The role of the soul of Bao-Tzang-Yen today—the "indigenous residents"—has been seldom researched and explored in detail, so that the precious research materials connecting the collective memory and local consciousness across the ages have disappeared with the decline of the population. The subject of this study is to reproduce residents' collective memory and sense of place . Through the operation of mental maps, the hidden and accumulated emotions and memories of residents in the practice of local space are reproduced, so as to understand the content of collective memory and the reasons for its shaping. In order to continue the precious collective memory for the settlement that is about to disappear. Finally, this research will reflect the individual voices in Bao-Tzang-Yen, and expect to strengthen the subjectivity of the residents through the research process, so that the gradually hidden subjectivity of the residents in Bao-Tzang-Yen can turn passive into active struggle for the rights of this land.The research conclusions are as follows: (1) Residents’ most profound settlement memory spaces are divided into two types, temples and grocery store belonging to public spaces, and homes belonging to private spaces. (2) Through the display of the composition and boundary of space in the mental map, it can be seen that residents' sense of place mostly comes from their personal living experience. (3) The display of the mental map is mainly affected by the change of "identity", and the emotions triggered are mostly regret and miss, and the trigger is the people in the space.地方意識集體記憶心智地圖寶藏巖居民none再現集體記憶與地方意識之研究–以寶藏巖聚落為例Representing Collective Memory and Sense of Place — A Case Study of Bao-Tzang-Yen Villageetd