林志哲蔡素妙Chih-Che Lin, Su-Miao Tsai2022-05-162022-05-162020-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/115743本研究目的在探討中年人的獨處時間、孤獨動機與心理幸福感之間的關係。以便利取樣方式,共得186位介於40~59歲間之中年者填寫問卷,剔除無效問卷後,有效問卷共計144份,有效樣本回收率為77%。本研究主要測驗工具包含「獨處時間量表」、「孤獨動機量表」以及「心理幸福感量表」。經統計分析後研究結果如下:一、本研究中年者樣本自覺獨處時間的平均數屬中下程度;二、中年者樣本獨處時間高低在心理幸福感上並無顯著差異;三、中年者樣本的「自我決定」孤獨動機與心理幸福感之間具有顯著正相關;四、中年者「非自我決定」孤獨動機與心理幸福感之間具有顯著負相關;五、中年者「自我決定」孤獨動機對其獨處時間與心理幸福感之間不具顯著強化效果;六、中年者「非自我決定」孤獨動機對其獨處時間與心理幸福感之間的關係具有顯著弱化效果。本研究依據上述研究結果提出討論,並對心理健康相關之專業人員提出以下建議:一、鼓勵中年者認識個人孤獨動機與心理幸福感的關係;二、協助中年者覺察個人獨處的需要;三、策略性運用「自我決定」孤獨動機作為增進中年者的心理幸福感;四、策略性運用「非自我決定」孤獨動機調節中年者負向心理幸福感。The purpose of this study was to explore middle-aged of the relationship between time spent alone, motivation for solitude, and psychological well-being. The participants in Taiwan were recruited by using convenience sampling. A total of 144 (age = 40-59) valid recovery questionnaires were collected, and the effective sample recovery rate was 77%. The participants were asked to complete the Time Spent Alone Scale, Motivation for Solitude Scale-Short Form (MSS-SF), and Psychological Well-being Scale. The findings of this study were as follows. 1. Average time spent alone of the middle-aged samples is medium-low degree; 2. No significant difference in psychological well-being between those spending more time alone and those spending less time alone within the middle-aged samples; 3. A significantly positive relationship between self-determined solitude and psychological well-being. 4. A significantly negative relationship between not selfdetermined solitude and psychological well-being. 5. The self-determined solitude does not significantly moderate the relationship between time spent alone and psychological well-being. 6. The not self-determined solitude significantly negative moderated the relationship between time spent alone and psychological well-being.Based on the above mentioned results the discussion and suggestions were offer to mental health professionals: 1. Encourage the middle-aged persons to understand the relationship between personal solitude motivation and psychological wellbeing; 2. Help the middle-aged persons to aware the need for personal solitude; 3. Strategically use “self-determination” as the solitude motivation to increase the psychological well-being of the middle-aged persons; 4. Strategically use “not selfdetermination” as the solitude motivation to regulate the negative psychological well-being of the middle-aged persons.心理幸福感孤獨動機獨處時間psychological well-beingmotivation for solitudetime spent alone中年者獨處時間、孤獨動機與心理幸福感之關係研究A Study on Middle-Aged of the Relationship Between Time Spent Alone, Motivation for Solitude, and Psychological Well-Being