游美貴Yu, Mei-Kuei楊淨淯Yang, Jing-Yu2020-12-142019-08-252020-12-142019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060489009I%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/109895臺灣收養服務在法律制度及專業服務上針對兒童權益的保護已有大幅進展,為避免私下收養的弊端,制訂無血緣關係之收養必須透過合法收出養媒合機構提供媒合服務,顯見國內收養機構及社工在媒合服務的重要性;故透過收養社工參與媒合配對過程的經驗,以探討臺灣收養媒合服務的現況與困境,並提供實務及制度面的建議。本究採用質性研究,以立意取樣及滾雪球取樣邀請11位從事4年以上之收養媒合服務的工作者參與深度訪談。 研究結果:一、媒合配對機制:國內收養機構的媒合配對機制主要採取團隊或主管決策的媒合方法,並提供特殊需求的收養兒童有多元的媒合機會,但最終媒合配對的決策權仍在服務對象的收養意願。二、社工在媒合配對的考量:社工會針對收養及出養期待、收養家庭現況、收養人及收養兒童的特質、外貌或主觀偏好進行媒合適配性的評估,再考量機構理念對於媒合配對優先順序做初篩決策;社工為媒合服務的協調者及決策者。三、媒合配對的困境與兩難:社工方面受限於專業服務能力不足及多重角色的衝突;機構方面是因跨機構間服務流程的差異及機構間具競爭關係;制度方面則因收養制度使得機構間及收養人的關係緊張、主管機構支持不足、名不副實的媒合服務平台、收養家庭福利支持不足等等;另外,社工在媒合配對過程的兩難為:等待的停損點沒有標準、華人文化與兒童福利觀點的妥協等等。 研究建議:一、實務層面:提供社工專業評估訓練、提升媒合決策專業性、儘早擴大搜尋收養家庭的機會及製作收養人或收養兒童的個人資料表,增加收養媒合的方法。二、制度層面:促進收養媒合服務平台的使用、改善收養服務費用制度及提供更多收養家庭的福利支持。The adoption services in Taiwan have made great progress either in legal system or in children protection services. The adoption of non-blood relations must be providing via the legal adoption matching services agency, in order to avoid the illegal private adoption. Obviously, it has been very importance between adoption agencies and social workers during matching process for children adoption services. This study refers the experience of the social workers during the matching process, discussing the circumstances and obstacles for adoption matching service, and giving suggestions for practical work and institutional services. This study is qualitative research that purpose sampling and snowball sampling are used and 11 participants who have worked for adoption matching services at least 4 years are invited to the depth interviews. The main research findings include that the final decision making of matching still relies on the client’s willing of adoption; social workers will consider the expectations of adoption, the status of adoption family, the characteristics, appearances and preferences of adopter and children to evaluate the matching; social workers are being limited due to the professional competences; there isn’t a criteria for keeping waiting children, the compromise between Chinese cultural and the best benefits for children. The research has suggested to provide the professional evaluate abilities for the social workers, to promote the profession in matching, to expand the opportunities in searching adoptive families, and to make the profiles for the adopters and adoptive children, to promote the use of adoption service at the matching information system, and to provide more welfare services to the adoptive families.兒童收養媒合服務社會工作者child adoptionmatching processsocial worker收養社工參與媒合配對過程經驗之研究Research on the Social Workers’ Experiences of Child-Adoption Matching