謝佩紋林菁Pei-Wen HsiehLin Ching Chen2014-10-272014-10-272009-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/15071本研究旨在探究國小教師推動資訊素養創新課程的歷程,並以CREATER革新模式的七個階段為架構,深入瞭解教師作為創新推動者在每個階段的經歷及結果, 以提供有意推動資訊素養理念或其它創新的教育工作者參考。本研究採個案研究,以南部一所國小為研究個案,研究時間歷時一年半,透過觀察、訪談、文件分析等 方法進行資料的蒐集。研究結果發現,國小教師推動資訊素養課程的歷程大致與CREATER模式的七個階段相符,但「關心」、「連結」與「檢視」階段並無明 顯次序,教師以組織內成員的角色推動創新,能有效地將創新理念化為行動,但行動能否持續及發揮效果,還有賴團隊組成的完整性、教師的持續更新力及組織內掌 握實權者的支持與參與。The purpose of this study was to explore the change process of implementing an information literacy curriculum by elementary school teachers. Based on the CREATER model, this study investigated the teachers’ experiences as change agents in each stage of the process. The research results could provide guidelines for educators who are devoted to promote the information literacy or other innovations. The method of case study was used to design this study. The subjects of this study were the teachers who voluntarily implemented the information literacy curriculum in an elementary school in the southern part of Taiwan. The methods for collecting research data were observations, interviews, and document analyses. The research results showed that the change process of implementing the information literacy curriculum corresponded to the seven stages of the CREATER model. However, the stages of “care,” “relate,” and “examine,” did not obviously happen in sequence. As members of the organization, the teachers could transform effectively the innovative concept into an action, but whether the innovation could be persistent depended on team relationships, teachers’ self-renewal capacity, and approvals and participation of the leaders who really managed the organization.資訊素養創新模式創新推動者Information literacyInnovationCREATERCREATER modelChange agent國小教師以CREATER模式推動資訊素養創新課程之歷程The Process of Elementary School Teachers Implementing an Innovation Curriculum of Information Literacy with CREATER Model